Dec 01, 2007 15:39

Errr, I just felt like it. That's all. Heheheh~

So urm, it contains all the stuff in our house. I just randomly took a shot and uhh...okay I was bored. Nyahaha~!!!

Also, I just bought really cheap manga in a mall near our house. Gawd, it was so cheap. I mean, imagine P308.00 for two mangas! That is really a good buy! Compared to a single manga that costs P399-500. really is cheap! Also, there are mangas that P60 too. Waiii, so so so CHEAP! Hey, is real, not fake this time. Lololololololol. Whatever. Bastah, I finished reading it and man, I wish I could buy more. Hehehe, I used my mom's money for this one, not mine. Ehehe ^^;;

Warning: Contains 640x480 .jpg images. ^__________________________^

The mangas I have bought so far. L-R: Love Letters(2), Kodocha(8), Pita-Ten(8), Kare Kano(12), Flower of the Deep Sleep(1). Actually, I have xxxHolic, FLCL, and Vampire Game but they were borrowed so it's not there. ^___________________^ Lolz, disregard the thesaurus and makes me look like a total nerd. 8B

My study space. Nyuk, very very messy. Was doing my homework, but I got tired so I pictured around.

Say hello to my BROKEN mp3!! And its partner, my cd-r king speaker!!11one!!! Hehehehe! Yes it is from cd-r king. Hehehe.

Outside of our house. It was windy and the chimes just rattled like heck. Nyahaha! Oh yeah, we have decorated the outside with those flashy x-mas lights. Teehee.

A painting near the stairs. This was given by a good family friend. Oh yeah, that painting is about the prodigal son. Our family is religious that way.

Errr, sorta full sorta half of the painting. See? The son and the father yes?

The sky. Pictured from our secret door in the roof. Those are our neighbors' house by the way. Waii, I just have this thing for taking pictures of the sky.

OMG. A shot of our pc...the LCD monitor and the keyboard. Lolz, yup your right, that is my annoying little brother. Playing RF like woah. Nyahahah! There's also the card reader and a book. OMG, we are nerds 8B


That also served as my practice in photography. I just used a digital camera and it really looks so pixelated. I actually hate my camera, but I have no choice but to settle for that one. Yuuccckkk. See how I suck at photography? >__________________> Hope I can still improve.

omg huge file, waiiii, fandom, picspam

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