blah blah politics blah singapore

Apr 08, 2011 00:34

I do not agree with PM Lee's views on upgrading. Tsk, that's how they made the older generations continue to vote for 'em...(as someone said "we want oppo but not in our ward") by dangling such 'upgrading' carrots.
eg.(an anecdote from my mother) Years ago, when Nee Soon became PAP ward after an opposition stint, the polyclinic got built real quick. People only voted PAP to get the goodies.
The justifications he made for minister salaries are ridiculous. Why is SG paying them millions when there wasn't any transparencies on the millions spent on that YOG, the food poisoning scandal and the millions lost in toxic investments? =.=
If this were any other country, the food poisoning scandal in the YOG alone would have cause the particular minister in charge to resign over it, NOT to mention the unjustified overbudget spending.


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