Title: A is For...
Pairing: USUK
Rating: M
Warnings: Violence and death and zombies
Summary: A might be dead, but his desire to protect Arthur might just be enough to make him remember how to be alive.
(Warm Bodies AU.)
This chapter: A wants to help exhume humanity.
I’m just going to go home. That’s it. Just going to forget this even happened. I left the photographs of me and Arthur. I left my jacket. I left… shit is it cold? Oh, it’s raining. But it’s rained before and I was never cold before.
I was walking home, having no idea if it was even the right direction, when it began to rain just like it had last night. But I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything. It all hurt. This pain consumed me. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, or function right. It was like I was worse than a zombie; already a boney. It didn’t matter. I’d probably turn into one of them soon enough.
It's better not to feel, just so I didn't have to feel like this.
I looked up. M was shuffling towards me with a herd of zombies following behind him. It was shocking to see him, but I felt an ease of pain in my chest. I wouldn't say it was a joy to see M, but it was certainly a relief. It was such a relief that I walked up to him and embraced him in the most awkward hug in the history of hugs. M just stood there with his hands dangling by his sides and his body stiff.
"You… ok?" M asked. I backed away with my head hanging low. I shook it pathetically. "Where's…the guy…?"
"L-left…" I actually think I wanted to cry, it hurt too much.
M groaned in disappointment. "Bitches man…"
I looked over M's shoulder at the zombies swaying about behind him. "Friends?"
M looked at them and nodded, smiling slightly. "Boneys…c-chase us out… Know we…we change…"
"All of …you…?"
"That g-guy… We see...things... In... head... I saw...pictures... Mom... maple s-syrup... hockey... winter..."
"Dreaming," I supply. I was surprised, actually. Had Arthur done that much, not just to me, but to everyone else? It was when we held hands. The zombies saw us. M saw us. It was then.
"B-boneys... searching...for you..." I shrugged. Honestly, at this point, I didn't care. If I died, well, then I died. Then, M said, "Searching... for him..."
I didn't like the sound of that. I could die a hundred deaths and it wouldn't matter. But Arthur...
"N-need to find…Arthur…," I murmured, growing in confidence. "N-need to…tell him… W-will you help… exhume…?"
M nodded, but then looked back at the zombies. They all moaned and groaned. So zombie-like. M looked back at me. "They say… f-fuck yeah."
The plan was a simple one. M and the others would pretend to chase me. I'd run to the wall, acting like I was alive and running from the zombies, and hopefully the humans would buy it. Once inside, I would scour the entire city until I found Arthur. All the while I would try to hide the fact I was a flesh-eating zombie that probably ate these people's relatives and loves ones. Yeah, simple.
We stopped back at the house where I had left the jacket. If I zipped it up and pulled the fur collar close, I might just pass as alive. It would hide my ratty T-shirt and blood stains. If I kept my head low no one would see my vacant eyes. Hopefully.
We put the plan into effect. I ran like I remembered seeing Arthur; head up, back straight, and arms pumping. That meant no lumbering gait or flailing arms. I even screamed for help.
It seemed to work. The soldiers at the gate called for me while firing at the horde behind me. Normally, we would have no chance against these men, but that was because we were too consumed with eating and not watching out. I didn't hear anyone fall down behind me.
"Come on! Hurry!" a soldier yelled. I brushed past him and into the front entryway of the city. The other soldiers were too occupied to want to interrogate me.
Outside, the zombies saw me safely inside, so they veered away and retreated. I could hear the soldiers' confusion at the sudden change. Us zombies don't just "give up". It wasn't from us being stubborn, but more focused. Or stupid.
I didn't want to wait around for a soldier to see me and start with questions, so I casually strolled away and into the main city. There was a powerful stench of manure and unwashed bodies all jammed into a ten block area. Cows, pigs, turkeys, and goats all co-existed with the humans that mingled about, although "mingled" seemed to be a poor choice of words. It was more like they bumped shoulders and ignored one another.
Was I mistaken? Was I back at the airport?
Tea. I could smell it more than ever. It was faintly in that rickety house; had Arthur once gone there? It was over in the corner of that building; did Arthur once play there as a child? All around me were memories of Arthur's life. A building near me had a picture of a book on a sign outside. Maybe it was a school house.
I then noticed that most buildings and signs had pictures on them. Street signs had pictures of fruits. Entire houses were designated an animal. As I wandered the city, I wondered why this was. Then, I heard someone speaking a language that wasn't English. Was that why? Or had everyone forgotten how to read and write? Were they just as lost as me? At least this would be easier to navigate around the city for me.
The city itself wasn't much of a city, but more a squashed collection of houses and poorly built add-ons that wobbled precariously on the side. Crooked numbers had been nailed to the front of some of the better houses, and the more recently built ones had scrawled animals. Honestly, I thought this place looked really bad. 'Course, I can't really judge. I live in an airplane in an abandoned zombie airport. But at least my plane had color to it. This place was just grey. Even without the dark clouds overheard, blocking out the setting sun, I could tell that the city outside with all of its graffiti and walking dead was more colorful and lively than here.
Oh shit. Goats. I tried to shoo a herd of goats away that seemed to attach themselves to me. Nothing like a bunch of goats gnawing away at my leg without my noticing to give me away.
The scent of tea led me to rundown bats, farms with fresh vegetables, sketchy neighborhoods with suspicious orphans, and one leaning tower with a 44 nailed on the door. This was his home.
Okay, great. I made it. Now what?
Shit, I hadn't actually thought that far ahead. I didn't think I'd actually get here so easily. What if Arthur rejected me? I think I'd die. Oh wait. Well, I'd probably have nothing left to lose, so I might just wander out to the city and tell a soldier who I was so I could really die. Wow, that was pretty morbid. Is that what love was?
Wait, who said anything about love? Well, me, I guess. But when did that happen? One doesn't risk his life (?) and change who he is supposed to be for nothing. That just made this all the more difficult, because now if Arthur rejected me, my heart (or whatever was beating in my chest) would break. Can that metaphor work for zombies?
Just as I considered knocking on the front door, a door to the side on the second floor that led to the balcony opened up. I scrambled to hide behind a bush nearly. There were voices drifting down to me. One of them was Arthur's.
"Is it crazy?"
"Oui. Very." That was Francis. I remembered him from Rhye's memories. "Scott will never believe you. If it were multiple zombies, maybe, but one? It could be a fluke or something."
Arthur sighed. I saw him come out to the balcony and sit on the railing. "I know, but… He was different. He protected me."
"Scott will shoot his head off the minute he sees him, especially if you want to date your zombie boyfriend," Francis teased.
They're talking about me? I peeked my head around the bush. I could see Arthur clearly.
Arthur shot Francis an irritated look. "Belt up. Isn't it past your bedtime?"
"Ah, I need my beauty sleep."
"How about a coma?" Arthur smirked. I smiled too.
"Non, that would be more suited to you. But I fear even that wouldn't cure you of your eyebrows or sour personality." Francis' voice faded away.
Arthur looked irritated, but it quickly dissolved as he turned his attention to the early evening stars. Was now a good chance? How exactly would I get his attention? I glanced around, but there were no ladders or stairs or even vines I could climb up to reach him. He was a good three stories up.
Cautiously, I came out of the bush and crept closer to Arthur. "Arthur… Arthur…" My voice was too quiet, so I tried once more. "Arthur…!"
Slowly, as if in disbelief, Arthur looked over. His eyes widened at seeing me. "A…?! What are you doing here?!"
"Want…to see you…" I tried to smile, but it probably looked disgusting.
Arthur turned his body fully to look at me. His eyes were soft as if he wanted to smile. "A… You can't be here. If they catch you, they'll kill you. People aren't like me."
"Kirkland!" Francis called from inside.
Arthur turned to look over his shoulder. Then, he returned to me. "A, you have to get out of here."
I shook my head. "Have…to talk."
Arthur bit his lip. He opened his mouth to speak, but then Francis came out onto the balcony. "Mob Dieu, who are you talking to- Oh!"
I hovered closed to the bush, unsure if I should hide or not. From what I knew of Francis from Rhye's memories, he wasn't a particularly cruel person. Of course, he and Arthur didn't get along often, but he was still Arthur's friend. He just might turn me in despite that. But then he looked at Arthur with a raised eyebrow.
"That's him?" he whispered. Arthur nodded. He looked back at me. My arm jerked up, although I meant it to be a friendly wave. "Bonsoir."
"The curfew!" Arthur exclaimed suddenly, as if remembering what time it was. "A, you have to get inside. Go around to the door in the front and I'll let you in."
I hesitated for a moment to watch Arthur duck back inside the house. Francis was looking (more like gawking) at me oddly. Did I have something on my face or was I ugly or weird looking? Shit, would Arthur look at me the same way? That's not fair. He's so… and I'm so crappy.
"A!" Arthur hissed. I turned to find him standing in the front doorway. "Get over here!"
I hustled over with my eyes averted. He ushered me inside and then locked the door behind me. I could hear him panting from having just run three flights downstairs. It made me nervous somehow. He was so close. I could reach out and touch him, or I could tell him how I feel, but I didn't know how. I racked my brain for something to say, but I was too dead. That's why Francis stared. I was still just a zombie.
"Hello," Arthur murmured. I shuffled my feet. "I… I have no idea how you got in here, but… I'm happy to see you… Are you okay…?"
I nodded mutely. Arthur was watching me. I could feel his eyes on me. Say something. "H…hug?"
In all of my infinite wisdom, I chose that as the thing to say. Wow, was I smooth or what? But then, something amazing happened- Arthur hugged me. He put his arms around me and squeezed. I reacted better than when I hugged M. Something cool brushed against my neck. It took me a minute to realize it was Arthur's breath.
"Strange… You feel warmer than before."
I smiled, but Arthur didn't see it. When he released me, he turned towards the stairs. The back of his neck was red. He headed up and I trailed after him.
The house was tall and condensed. The were was no room for anything unimportant. Boxes were stacked high of food and blankets. In other rooms were cots full of people. They just shuffled about as if expecting something to happen. I avoided their stares.
Arthur led me into a room that I assumed was his. It was larger and had three other beds. Two of the beds were neatly made. The other on the far side of the room was messy with crude embroidery hanging on the wall near it. On the night stand to its side was a fragile looking teapot. It was painted in a red cross with white and blue around it.
Before I could get a chance to inspect the pot, Francis emerged from the balcony. He marched right up to me. I took a step back nervously, but it was a different kind of nervousness than when I looked at Arthur. Francis' face scrunched up as he inspected me.
"How did you die?" he asked sharply. I shrugged. "Do you remember anything about being alive?"
"Francis." Arthur stepped between us. "He did not come here to be interrogated."
"Then why did he come here?"
Arthur and Francis looked at me expectantly. My eyes flickered back and forth before settling on just Arthur. I then realized his face clean and his hair was wet and messy. He must have just showered. That's so not fair. I licked my lips.
"We're… ch-changing…" I touched a hand to my heart. The men's eyes followed my hand. Then, I pointed at my head. "Dr…dreaming…"
"Dreaming?" Arthur repeated. I nodded. Again, I nodded. Francis, however, didn't look as excited. "You said 'we'. Did you mean other zombies too? They're becoming like you?"
"Y-yes… Waiting o-outside city…"
Mentally, I congratulated myself for how much I was able to say in one go. I'd probably hit 100 words by now. Francis and Arthur, though, ignored my little internal party. They seemed upset, actually. Did I do something wrong?
"We have to tell your brother," Francis said sternly.
"Why? He'll shoot A on the spot." Arthur shook his head. "No, we have to reason with others."
"Others? Like the other soldiers?" Arthur nodded. "That won't work, either. You're just his little brother. They won't listen to you."
"Maybe they will," Arthur tried, sounding less sure.
"C-could I try…?" I asked, catching the pair off guard.
"A, I don't…" Arthur started.
"Want to…help." I straightened my back in an attempt to look more alive. It must have worked because Arthur smiled at me in the oddest of ways. His eyes were relaxed and he almost looked sleepy.
"Well, even if we were to talk to Scott or any of the soldiers, it has to wait until morning," Francis cut in.
"Right. Curfew." Arthur sighed. That smile was gone. "Well then, should we turn in for the night?"
Francis then smiled until his teeth showed. "Actually, why don't we clean A up?"
Arthur seemed to be considering this as he looked me over. My back curved again as I wilted under his stare. Why did I need to be cleaned up? Okay, so maybe dried blood on my face, pasty complexion, ratty hair, and stench of death was a give-away that I was a zombie, but I didn't look that bad, did I?"
Arthur gave me detailed instructions on how to shower (lather, rinse, repeat), and then shoved me into the bathroom. The shower confused the fuck out of me. I fiddled with the two knobs and learned turning too far with the left knob was scalding hot, while turning too far on the right knob was freezing cold. I eventually settled on both at the same time. Then, I just stood there to let the water travel down my body. The rivulets gradually turned from pink to clear as the dried blood washed off of me. To be honest, I hadn't look at myself in…ever. Being dead you don't have to wash or even take a piss, so any skin under clothes was a surprise.
I must have been fit at some point. I had some flab around the middle. I was shocked I had hair on my legs like my arms, but I even had some
starting around my naval and gathering around my, er… Okay, that poor thing hasn't been used in some time. A good chunk of the time in the shower was spent looking at my dick. I know, weird and all that, but when you're dead you don't think about reproducing or pleasuring yourself. Hell, you don't think, period. So, for me, this was new and interesting.
Eventually, Arthur yelled at my wasting water and I was forced out by his shouts. Francis let me borrow some of his clothes, but we soon realized I was too big for them. The pants were incredibly tight around my crotch. Arthur soon handed me some outfits from Scott's wardrobe. The man had a build that was more like mine. I pulled a white shirt on and then put on my jacket. The jeans were in a much better shape than my old rags.
After I fiddled with my hair some, I came back out into the bedroom. Arthur and Francis seemed to be discussing something that was upsetting Arthur. I didn't like it when his eyebrows were furrowed. It made his face look too weird and dark. But, when I walked in and they noticed me, the pair quieted. Arthur's expression changed. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't upset anymore either. He actually looked surprised.
"Wow!" Francis exclaimed. He gave me a once over, impressed by what he saw. "You're hot!"
If I had blood flowing in me, I'd probably blush. I couldn't even offer a smile that didn't look creepy. So, I just kept my eyes trained on Arthur. He continued to stare until he realized it. With an embarrassed cough, he averted his eyes.
"Yes, you clean up quite nicely. Now, shall we turn in?" Arthur suggested.
"Ah, but I cannot get home. The curfew." Francis looked at Arthur for help.
Arthur sighed irritably. "Fine. You can have the floor."
"Really." Francis sighed as if let down. "There are two other beds I could-"
"Don't you start too," Arthur snapped. His voice sounded as vicious as when we had first met. "Everyone else gets on me about those beds. They are not to be used, do you understand?"
"Arthur," Francis started with a softer tone. "You can't…"
"I can do whatever I want."
Arthur reminded me of some kind of caged animal I'd once seen in my comics. It was a little unnerving, especially since I was clueless as to what the beds meant. I looked at them, and realized from my memories what they were; Emma's and Rhye's. I quickly looked at the teapot. Just behind it, almost hidden from view, was a picture frame with Arthur's mother in it. It was her teapot.
"Now, if you're going to be such a hassle, just take my bed. I'll sleep on the floor."
"And A…?" Francis looked at me nervously. I simply stared back, amazed they had remembered me.
Arthur narrowed his eyes at Francis. "He's fine. He has been the entire time he's been here. He can sleep on the floor as well."
"Is he hungry?" I wasn't sure if he meant me, seeing as he was looking at me, but didn't say my name. Regardless, I shook my head. "When did you last eat?"
"Francis!" Arthur took my hand and pulled my behind him. "That is too bold. If you continue these ridiculous questions, you may sleep in the hallway."
Francis held his hands up and backed away. "Forgive me. Let's sleep."
"Yes. Let's."
I think I might have actually learned something today. When in Arthur's world, he's quite demanding. He already was, a little, but he soon eased up with me when it was just us. Actually, he's quite kind and gentle and even a little shy around me. Was it because I was a zombie? Was he still not comfortable with me? Slowly, I rubbed at my arms as if they were cold again. Maybe I was. The thought of Arthur distrusting me wasn't exactly a warm thought.
Arthur pulled a few clothes from his armoire and tossed them onto the floor. He folded a few and left them, whereas others he layered them until they created a blanket. I stood off to the side, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, watching. I did that a lot here. It was getting old. M was waiting.
"Come on," Arthur said gently. He gestured to the makeshift bed on the floor. The clothed he had folded were to be pillows. "Well?"
I sat down quickly. Francis was watching from the bed. Arthur took a seat next to me, and then lied down. I followed suit. There wasn't much else I could do otherwise.
Arthur had been beside me in the plane, but at a distance. It was safe for him. Now we were close. Maybe too close for Arthur's comfort. Sure, he had hugged me and hadn't turned me in and even admitted to missing me, but… He still left. He ran. I came back for him. How did he feel? Was he still mad? Did he just let me in because it was easier than killing me?
I don't know why my self-esteem was so low suddenly. I didn't know I even had self-esteem. I guess it's not all bad. Arthur did seem happy to see me. He didn't turn me away. I even got a hug out of it.
"A," Arthur murmured close beside me. Wow, that was damn close. "I'm… I'm sorry for leaving… I… I think I knew all this time… about you and Rhye… Is that how you…knew my name?"
I nodded. "Memories… I can…see them…"
"I'd always heard that could happen, but it was just a rumor." Arthur shifted beside me. I dared not turn to look at me. I think he was right next to me. If I turned, I'd be on top of him. "So… you saw everything? My childhood, my sister, and how it all…?"
I nodded. I wanted to tell him about Rhye's talking to me, but I think he'd really flip out over that. Perhaps that was best saved for another time.
"A…?" I grunted a soft reply. "I… I'm happy to…see you again."
Slowly, as if just waking up from a nap, my hand twitched, and I placed it on top of Arthur's. "Me too…"
There wasn't much left to say, so we fell asleep.
Francis woke us with a start. Amazingly, I had slept again, although it was without dreams. Who needed dreams when you woke up next to a blond cutie that was snuggled up to your arm? Wait, cutie? Snuggled?
Yeah, all right. He is pretty cute. Very cute. Adorable, actually. And when he opened his eyes in alarm at Francis throwing a pillow on us, he was beautiful. That snuggling, though, caught me off guard. Had Arthur done that while we slept?
"Francis!" Arthur hissed, ignoring how close we'd been. "What was that for?!"
The man simply smiled and held up two small containers. "We need to make A look human, and I found Emma's old make-up!"
"You bastard!" Arthur scrambled up. I was slower to react. "Who told you-"
"When were you going to use it?" Francis interrupted, not baking down as Arthur charged him. "Emma is dead, and A will be too if we don't put some color in his cheeks. We have to if he's to see Scott."
Arthur was silent. Having finally gotten up, I hovered nearby. Again, they talked about me as if I wasn't there, and with how vocal I was, it was understandable. I really should get better at this. Arthur was having a hard time. I should help.
"Arthur…" The man looked at me. There was sadness in his eyes. "She… loved you… S-so did… Rhye."
I put a hand on my heart. There was a soft beating underneath it. Francis looked between us. I was hoping Arthur understood me, but I might have made it worse.
"Arthur," I tried again. "F-focus on…living… S-stay together… You and me…"
Arthur stared at me, weighing my words. It seemed he was at a loss. I started moving forward, barely moving my feet. I wanted to touch him. But then, Arthur nodded and gave me a strong smile.
"You're right. You must look presentable." He snatched the containers from Francis' hands. "Well then, let's get started."
"Okay, for the record, I had no idea what make-up was until I was forced down into a chair and they put it on me. It was a flurry of brushes and powder and Francis speaking French as he pushed Arthur aside to take control. Arthur stayed away, watching me in case Francis did anything. I don't know why these two fought so much. Francis was a pretty cool guy. I mean, his breath smelled and he touched me a lot, but I didn't mind. I'm sure my breath was beyond rancid, anyway. At least the shower got rid of the zombie stink.
Suddenly, it hit me. I was still dead. I had been with Arthur for so long, and amongst the living, that it sort of slipped my mind. Too many other things were taking up space. Feelings. Attraction. Thoughts. Thoughts. I'd thought before, but it was mainly about food or how weird I was. Now it was about us changing, Arthur, Rhye's memories, talking to Scott, and figuring out exactly what was happening. All because of Arthur.
I was so engrossed (shit, even my vocabulary was improving) by this that I didn't even realize we were moving outside. People were stirring, and yet the sun was barely up. Most didn't do anything. They looked around as if waiting for something to happen. No one knew what it is they even wanted. Arthur knew. He held my hand as he slinked in and around people heading in a particular direction. Francis stayed close to our side, having decided that this would be fun.
Going back outside wasn't fun. I kept my head low and my jacket on tight around me. It had rained overnight, and the ground smelled of mud and grime. I wrinkled my nose. Did it always smell like this when it rained? Did I never notice before? Actually, since coming into the city, I had only noticed Arthur's scent. I was so attuned to it. Briefly, I wondered what I smelled like.
People meandered in groups outside of buildings and trash cans, staring just to stare; existing just because. Was this living? Am I better off just as I am? The squeeze on my hand from Arthur was my answer.
He looked over his shoulder at me. "We stay together."
I nodded, feeling light-headed. I think I was growing scared at the upcoming conversation between me and Scott. We were heading into a heavily armed area. One in-human move and I could be killed. One shot to the head. That's all it took. I'd be one more person taken from Arthur's life.
"A-Arthur," I started, feeling a surge of affection.
He shushed me as we reached the front guard. "I need to see my brother."
The man looked at me, narrowing his eyes. "Who's that?"
"He's with me," Arthur replied.
"I didn't ask that. I asked-"
"He's of no concern," Arthur shot back. I imagined his eyes turned that venomous green color, like they do when he gets mad. "I need to see my brother. Now."
The man glanced from me to Francis, and then back to me. He stepped aside. Arthur tugged me inside. As we passed the man, I had to say something human just to wipe that suspicious look off of his face."
"Hey, how are ya?" Nailed it! The man was surprised. Take that!
The inside of the armory, which looked like an old supermarket, was packed with people and weaponry. It was an entirely different world in here. The soldiers moved with precision, much unlike the humans outside. Their eyes were steeled, void of emotion. These people were worse than those outside. They only moved as it they had purpose, but it was fake. I moved in closer to Arthur.
"Wait," Arthur said. He stopped and turned to me. "Stay here with Francis. Let me talk to Scott first. He might listen to me."
Francis pressed in close to my side. "I'll be here with him."
The moment Arthur pulled away I felt cold again. My chest swelled up as if in pain. Arthur kept eye contact with me a moment longer before he turned away. Francis then ushered me behind a shelving unit full of ammunition. We could see the back of Arthur as he walked up to the same redhead I saw in my memories. He and Arthur certainly shared the same glare, although I don't know why Scott was already so angry upon seeing his brother. Arthur certainly wasn't someone I would ever be upset to see.
"Scott," Arthur started. "We have to talk."
"Make it quick. We've got a gathering of zombies on the border and a large group of bonnets heading our way." Scott signed some paperwork that had been thrust in his face.
"What? Why?"
"We don't know, but we're gonna head them off. Kill them all before they get here."
"Wait, Scott. I think we shouldn't kill the zombies."
The man paused to regard Arthur. "And why's that?"
"Because… I think they're starting to change. I think they can remember. They're learning to be human again."
Scott stared at Arthur, his expression unchanged. Then, he crossed his arms and looked down on Arthur. "And you're privy to this how?"
"When I was out I… I wasn't taken in by some rogue human… It was by a zombie." Scott didn't react. "He's different. He thinks and talks and dreams. He…"
"Is a killer," Scott spat. "He has eaten many of your friends! Maybe even our family!"
"He did admit to eating Rhye!" Arthur yelled. His voice echoed in the market, but attracted very little attention. The soldiers remained oblivious. Arthur flung an arm out toward them. "He's not like these- these… drones! He feels remorse!"
"And how do you know this?" Scott was starting to lean over Arthur. His face grew dark. Even I could feel the glare of his piercing eyes. "Did he tell you this?"
I felt a hard punch to my gut. Arthur had taken a step back. I could smell the fear of his brother. There had to be something I could do. Francis put a hand on my shoulder, but I brushed it aside. I rushed to Arthur's side, puffing my chest up as if to prove anything.
Scott leaned away, nostrils flaring as if he could smell the death on me. His eyes, somehow, got even smaller. Before I could open my mouth, he pulled a gun on me, pressing it to the underside of my jaw. His voice was a low growl as he threatened, "You're a dead?"
"Scott, please!" Arthur pleaded.
"You think you're something?" If Scott was some kind of animal, he might've bared his teeth at me. Actually, his expression and dark eyes made me think of a boney. "You're dead, so you should stay dead."
Arthur tried to wedge between us. "Scott, listen to me! He's different!"
"No he is not!" Scott pushed the gun harder into my jaw. I gulped, but felt my throat go dry. "He has now become a problem. You're why the zombies are massing and why the boneys are charging. If I kill you, then they'll go away."
Arthur said Scott's name again, but it was the sound of the gun clicking that I heard last. I closed my eyes and waited for death, although my entirety shook and I felt dread slip down my neck. Even if Scott said I was dead and even if I still believed it, I didn't want to die. I may not do human things or act like a human, but… I was still…
There was nothing. I opened my eyes to see what happened. The click wasn't from Scott's gun. It was Francis'. He stood behind Scott with his hand gun pointed at Scott's head.
"Francis," Scott started. "Don't even…"
"Think? I have, and I know that Arthur isn't lying. He feels this is right, and so do I. But you don't anymore, do you?" Francis looked over Scott's shoulder at me and Arthur. "Take him."
"You wouldn't shoot me," Scott whispered.
"I would."
Arthur then took my hand. I was yanked away with Scott still bearing down on me. So as not make a scene, Arthur power-walked out with me at his heels. He had a hard grip on my hand that jumbled all of my fingers together. Even if I wanted to pull away, which I didn't, I knew I couldn't.
We made it outside without incident. I tugged on Arthur's hand. "Come w-with me. Know where to go."
Wow, that was a nice sentence. My inner celebration was short lived. Sires began blaring and floor lights turned on from overhead. The people that had been milling around before were now frantically rushing into any nearby open building. Just like in my comic books, people ran when chaos broke out. So was the hero and who was the villain? I had a sinking feeling we were the bad guys.
"This way," I mumbled. Now I was the one pulling Arthur along.
In Rhye's memories I often saw him sneaking down into the subway, up a stalled escalator, through an emergency exit, down a corridor, and into the baseball stadium nearby. That is where I had told M to wait. I followed the same path like a treasure map. Arthur's breathing and hand gripping mine was a constant reassurance he was still by my side.
"A, where are we going?" Arthur asked, slightly short of breath.
"To… friend."
We slowed once we reached the stadium. It was an indoor one with a dome that was currently closed. The Astro-turf was a faded brown and ripped and smelled stale. The air inside was humid. It stuck to our skin, weighing us down. However, neither of us noticed. We were drawn to the cluster of zombies in the center of the field near second base. There were now at least one hundred zombies that had light returning to their eyes, that stared at Arthur in fascination rather than hunger.
There, up front and center was M. He took a few steps towards me. I could see a faint trace of blue or purple in his eyes. "Made it… B-brought some…f-friends."
I nodded with a smile and a hand on his shoulder. "Boneys coming. Humans too."
M nodded and cracked a smile of his own. Did I look like that? I don't look half bad, then. "Keep him s-safe…"
Arthur looked surprised to see so many eyes staring. We had yet to let go of each other's hands. The zombies were fixated on our joined hands. I guess no one worried about the oncoming offenses coming from two sides. Well, I wasn't. Not for my sake. Just Arthur's.
Arthur turned his attention to me. He seemed scared enough for all of us. "You! Don't… Don't worry about me. Just don't get shot, all right? I'll deal with my brother."
I nodded, taking Arthur's other hand in mine. "Together."
There was a resounding thud from the dome overhead. The noise alerted the zombies who turned their pale faces up towards the roof. M, however, put a hand on my shoulder. I think he liked contact now. Who wouldn't? Arthur was so warm. He energized me.
"Go," M stated with more force than I've ever heard from him.
From behind, we heard gunshots. The soldiers were here. And I was their number one target. Arthur was the boney's target. I guess we were the bad guys after all. Well, I wouldn't be for Arthur.
This new surge powered my arms and legs as I ran with Arthur. My dusty lungs squeezed for air as they began working overdrive. I no longer stumbled about awkwardly, but rather with precise strides while pumping my arms. I could keep pace with Arthur.
We were looking for somewhere safe like one of the suites or even one of the vendor's kitchens. There would be plenty of weapons in a kitchen. But we were caught by two boneys while running in the hallway.
One slammed me to a wall with surprising force while the other went after Arthur. I was unable to slip free and help Arthur. The boney had me by my jacket. He began to rip at the sleeves. At the sound of the first seam popping, I pushed all of my weight against the boney. Nearby was a fire extinguisher. I reached for it, but the boney was faster.
This time I managed to squirm out of my jacket. The boney tossed it aside and came for me again. AS soon as I could feel the cool handle of the extinguisher in my hand, I swung it around to slam into the boney's face. I grimaced at the sickening crunch of its skull breaking.
Quickly, I searched for Arthur. He was unharmed having thrown the boney into a door and then crushed its head between the door and frame. He looked at me.
"Are you…?" I started. Would a bite from a boney have the same effect?
"I'm fine," Arthur replied firmly. "We need to get higher."
I followed his lead as we ran up a winding walkway. I glanced out at the field. The soldiers were encroaching on the zombies. I could see the boneys were filing in from a broken emergency exit. The soldiers came in from the outfield like we had.
"A!" Arthur shouted. I skidded to a halt, not even realizing Arthur had stopped. "Look!"
He was pointing at the fighting. I didn't see anything different from when I looked a moment ago. Then, M rushed towards the soldiers. He flung a boney before them. The soldiers took that as a chance to fire on it, leaving M unharmed as he returned to the fray.
Arthur turned to me just as confused when he screamed my name. I felt a hard shove on my back, and then I hit the floor. Oh, wait. I didn't have my jacket. Where was it? Shit, uh, not a good time to get distracted.
The boney hissed in my ear, and leapt up off of me for Arthur. I grabbed its foot just as it did and hurled it the opposite way. He banged into a food cart, but started to get back up. I was faster.
Arthur and I ran upwards again. The sounds of the fighting down below echoed all about the enclosed stadium. I hoped M was all right.
The suites were locked, and even my slamming into the doors was of no use. Arthur and I were growing tired. It was only a matter of time before we were caught, either by boneys or humans. It sucked to be caught between like this where neither of us fit on either side. I wasn't quite alive or dead, and neither was Arthur. He, unlike his brothers, had stopped the bleeding long ago.
Learn to say good-bye.
"N-no…" Arthur looked at me. "No good-byes. Stay safe. Stay with me."
There came a gunshot down the hallway. That sounded too close. We raced around the other corner, but came upon a mass of noneys. I'd say they looked hungry or angry, but they weren't zombies or humans. They weren't really anything. I'd call them sad or pathetic, but I don't think I know pity well enough yet.
"This way!" Arthur yelled. He ran towards the emergency exit.
When he moved, I moved. When I moved, the boneys moved. Arthur threw open the door to the outside. I was temporarily blinded by the early morning sunlight. Arthur caught me just before I fell out the door. It was a fire escape that had been partly destroyed. The remains of the actual exit lay in a pile down below by a large fountain.
We didn't have much time to do much else. We only thought, the same one that started all of his, was Arthur. He was here, in my arms, and he would stay there. I'd make sure of it.
I enveloped him in my arms and leaned out the door. The hands and teeth of the boneys quickly faded from view as we fell. I only had seconds as the ground rushed towards us. I moved in the air so Arthur was atop me and my back was to the ground. I'd take the full force.
There was cool water and then darkness. I heard voices. An unfamiliar voice said a name. Mine? They held my hand and pat my head. Mother?
I was pulled back to the light, gasping for air. The water was cold, but I was not. I was warm. I was still here. I was always still here. My heart may have almost collapsed into nothing, but my soul was still the same.
I never died.
"A!" Arthur called. He hugged me. His hair was a wet mop on his head. I heard him laugh into my shoulder. "Oh hell, A! Don't ever do that again! You scared me!"
I pulled away, taking Arthur's face into my hands, and look at him. Looked at his entirety. He was two, seven, ten, eighteen, twenty-three. He was all of Arthur. He could never die.
In a sudden rush of emotion, Arthur leaned in and I followed his lead. I closed my eyes as if by memory. The feel of Arthur's lips upon mine was no stolen memory. This was him and real and live. I opened my mouth in hopes of gaining more, and Arthur granted me it.
He was warm like a fire, electric like lightening, soft, and he was here. We were safe. We were together.
I'd never felt more alive.
He pulled away from my lips, smiling. He gasped as he touched my cheek. "A… Your eyes… They're so…blue. And beautiful…"
I smiled widely, staring into his eyes.
And then I got shot in the shoulder. Arthur and I pulled apart violently. Arthur turned sharply to see Scott aiming his gun at me. A few soldiers flanked his side.
"Next one goes for the head," Scott warned. "Arthur, come here now."
"Arthur! We've already lost mum, dad, Emma, and Rhye to these things! I won't lose you too!"
"But A just saved me! He has always saved me!" Arthur turned to regard me. "He… He's bleeding."
Oh, well, what do you know? There was a thick and warm trail of blood coming from my new wound and contaminating the fountain. A sharp pain consumed me. While Arthur repeated himself with rising excitement, I gasped in pain. Fuck, getting shot sucks.
Well, I mean, at least I wasn't exaggerating. I really did feel alive now. Life is painful.
Scott was still watching me, but his stare was less intense. The soldiers at his sides lowered their weapons to gawk at me. I was still bleeding, waiting for Scott to do the same.
Then, Scott pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Captain, you said the zombies were fighting the boneys?"
There was a static buzz, and then a gruff voice replied, "Yes sir. None of the zombies are attacking us. Some have even saved us. They're…different."
Scott lowered his gun finally. He was looking at Arthur now. Pressing his button, he said to the captain, "The situation has changed."
It is summer. I'm sitting on a hill overlooking the city. A basket of applies is by my side. Arthur is on the other. He is finishing up repairing my leather jacket that Francis had found for me when he went to the stadium. After Scott believed us (and someone stopped my bleeding), the boneys were easily dealt with. Humans and zombies teaming up. Sounds crazy, but it works. The boneys that escaped went back to the airport. I can only hope they died there. From what M told me, all the zombies had left. They had moved on. Memories came back easier for them. Some wandered off to remember a life they forgot, while others stayed with humans.
It was scary at first, like all new things, but it got better. The humans learned to live again by showing zombies how. They taught them to play games, cook meals, dress and bathe, tell jokes, dance, and sing. In turn, the humans remembered too. It was as if humanity had a collective case of amnesia. Love and living had been nearly forgotten.
In the case of boneys, it could never come back. The absence of love creates anger and fear and hate. It spoils a heart. Without hope there is no will. Without will, there is no change.
Change meant good-bye, but not always to the people you love. IT could be to the way you once were and how you lived. I could easily say farewell to that me and that life it it meant seeing, touching, holding, kissing, loving, and living with Arthur. I'm glad I did.
"A?" Arthur starts. "Do you remember your name or your past life?"
"Nothing?" Arthur looks over.
"Nope. But that's okay. I don't mind."
"Because I like this one. I like being here, in this life."
Arthur's face is red. I smile. He is cute. I pull him close to my side. He kisses my cheek.
In the distance, a large wall crumbles. A loud roar of celebration is heart. I know M, who now goes by the name of Matthew, is there. He has quickly integrated into human life. I am glad he is my friend.
"Arthur, I love you."
Arthur's hand is on mine. His head rests on my shoulder. "I love you, too."
I am warm with happiness.
Hoshiko2's cents: WOO! Sorry this was so overdue, and also so long in comparison to the previous chapters. However, the movie Warm Bodies just came out on DVD/Blu-Ray (whatever), so I wanted to get this up in case anyone rents it and watches. I hope you all enjoyed this, but I HIGHLY suggest you read the book and then see the movie (or vice versa). It's a beautiful and amazing story.
Also, I have a joint account open on FFNet called Love Cocoon with a new series up called "Find/Replace, and Listen to Me". It's an e-mail AU. Please check it out if you have the time! Thanks!