Jul 15, 2007 21:40
Yes I turned a prime number today. 37. Pretty scary. I don't look it or feel like it either.
We were in SC at my parent's house to pick up my car that had $1100 put into it to fix the transmission (Darth Vader paid for it). My dad and I walked around a flower park in SC today. There's no botanical garden anywhere near or any neat castles. I envy you Europeans. Then we went to a local store to have cheesecake. I was a beautiful day though hot. My sisters D&K called and we talked for a long time. I picked wildflowers in the field behind the house.
My mother really drove Princess and I nuts. I wanted to talk to my dad about ships and shipwrecks but my mother butted in talking about her relatives and that was that. It is impossible to talk to anyone except her when she is around.
My mother was completely obsessed about my and Princess making the 5pm mass, even trying to throw us out of the house, out of the restaurant and she was going to drive us to make sure we made it!!! Even though I told her we weren't going to that mass.