wow. i have no life...

Dec 26, 2004 08:58

i couldn't sleep this morning... so i decided to fill out a really long survey with really boring answers.

Really Long Survey (over 200)

Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 56505 times on bzoink!
What is your name?BeccaAre you named after anyone?yes...i thinkWhat's your screename?Would you name a child of yours after you?i'm not having kidsIf you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?Ross-YUCK!!! i can't belive my parents would have named me that!If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?i don't knowAre there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?people used to call me Rebecca "Bar-nay"Would you drop your last name if you became famous?nopeBasicsYour gender:femaleStraight/Gay/Bi:straightSingle?yep.If not, do you want to be?Birthdate:October 20Your age:18!Age you act:umm...Age you wish you were:i wish i could start high school over again, but i guess i like being 18.Your height:5' 1 3/4"Eye color:switches from green to brownHappy with it?sureHair color:light brownHappy with it?i guessLefty/righty/ambidextrous:rightyYour living arrangement:parentsYour family:mom, dad, brother?Have any pets?yes. 2 dogs, 3 fish, a guinea pig (which i'm allergic to but nobody cares), and a horseWhats your job?photojournalist freelancer at the sun-sentinelPiercings?earsTattoos?nopeObsessions?ha! quite a few.Addictions?i don't think so.Do you speak another language?french, but not well!Have a favorite quote?hmm...Do you have a webpage?nopeDeep Thoughts About Life and You in itDo you live in the moment?i supposeDo you consider yourself tolerant of others?nopeDo you have any secrets?yepDo you hate yourself?sometimesDo you like your handwriting?yeah, but it's really sloppyDo you have any bad habits?several!!What is the compliment you get from most people?i'm "anti-social"If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?"Indecisive Pessimist"? i don't know that's a good question.What's your biggest fear?Snakes!!Can you sing?nopeDo you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?neverAre you a loner?my parents think soWhat are your #1 priorities in life?never thought about itIf you were another person, would you be friends with you?if i could tolerate me...Are you a daredevil?NO!Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?oh yeah. but i'm not going to list them.Are you passive or agressive?it depends...on the road, agressive.Do you have a journal?yesWhat is your greatest strength and weakness????If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?i would give myself patienceDo you think you are emotionally strong?heck no.Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?yes. several thingsDo you think life has been good so far?yeah i guess.What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?i don't know.What do you like the most about your body?i think i have cute feet. even though i hate feet!And least?omg almost everything.Do you think you are good looking?nopeAre you confident? depends where i amWhat is the fictional character you are most like????Are you perceived wrongly?all the timeDo You...Smoke?No!Do drugs?noRead the newspaper?only when i'm in it.Pray?yesGo to church?yes...even though i'm jewish...Talk to strangers who IM you?noSleep with stuffed animals?only oneTake walks in the rain?noTalk to people even though you hate them?yes, but not by choiceDrive?yesLike to drive fast?yes but i try not toWould or Have You Ever?Liked your voice?yes, but only for a brief secondHurt yourself?accidently all the time!Been out of the country?yesEaten something that made other people sick?no!Been in love?yesDone drugs?noGone skinny dipping?yesHad a medical emergency?yes! omg when i almost cut my thumb off in 10th grade trying to make my horse a chanukah stocking! haha i still have the scar.Had surgery?no but i'm going to in less than a month.Ran away from home?noPlayed strip poker?yesGotten beaten up? my own brother! asshole.Beaten someone up?ha! that's funny!Been picked on?yesBeen on stage?yes but not by choiceSlept outdoors?yesThought about suicide?yesPulled an all nighter?yesIf yes, what is your record?i fell asleep around 6:30 amGone one day without food?yesTalked on the phone all night?yesSlept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?yesSlept all day?almostKilled someone?no!Made out with a stranger?noHad sex with a stranger?noThought you're going crazy?yesKissed the same sex?noDone anything sexual with the same sex?noBeen betrayed?yesHad a dream that came true?almostBroken the law?no. actually yes, when i was a lot younger i stole a bouncy ball because i didn't know you had to pay for it. but my dad brought me and the ball back and we paid.Met a famous person?yesHave you ever killed an animal by accident?noOn purpose?no!Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?noStolen anything?a bouncy ball...Been on radio/tv?yesBeen in a mosh-pit?yes but no one believes me except ali because she was there!Had a nervous breakdown?yes, quite recently infact.Bungee jumped?noHad a dream that kept coming back?omg all the time.BeliefsBelive in life on other planets?no, although rei would kill me if he found out!Miracles?yesAstrology?noMagic?noGod?yesSatan?noSanta?noGhosts?yesLuck?yesLove at first sight?yesYin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?yesWitches?noEaster bunny?noBelieve its possible to remain faithful forever?yes...i hope.Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?noDo you wish on stars?yes!Deep Theological QuestionsDo you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?um...sure.Do you think God has a gender?yesDo you believe in organized religion?i guess.Where do you think we go when we die?i think it just ends.FriendsDo you have any gay/lesbian friends?so many.Who is your best friend?that's a good question. amanda, but she seems to be too busy with her b/f to remember me, so at the moment i don't have one.Who's the one person that knows most about you?jon...What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?"take it with a grain of salt" even though i never do. but i should.Your favourite inside joke?i can't pick just one!Thing you're picked on most about?my "anti-socialness"Who's your longest known friend?probably! and Jenna and Amanda.Sweetest?JamieClosest?was Amanda...probalby ReiWeirdest?Sam!Smartest?SteveDitziest?Tracey!Friends you miss being close to the most?Jon and Amanda and AliLast person you talked to online?AliWho do you talk to most online?i don'tWho are you on the phone with most?not anymore... i guess MissyWho do you trust most?amandaWho listens to your problems?my mom. sad, i know.Who do you fight most with?my brother.Who's the nicest?JamieWho's the most outgoing?EricaWho's the best singer?SkyeWho's on your shit-list?other jessicaHave you ever thought of having sex with a friend?yesWho's your second family?Donice, Big Steve and Little SteveDo you always feel understood?nopeWho's the loudest friend?Erica when she laughs!Do you trust others easily?noWho's house were you last at?Rei'sName one person who's arms you feel safe in:jon, but i need to stop thinking about him. man, this sucks.Do your friends know you?not really.Friend that lives farthest away:this is the last time i'm mentioning jon.Love and All ThatDo you consider love a mistake?sometimesWhat do you find romantic?oh everything.Turn-on?...Turn-off?smokingFirst kiss???If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?i would feel bad!Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or goingit depends on how outgoing they areHave u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy outnoHave you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractivyesDo you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?noWhat is best about the opposite sex?the penis!What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?the abliity for the penis to take over the mind.What's the last present someone gave you?a portfolio for my picturesAre you in love?yes, unfortunately.Do you consider your significant other hot?what significant other?Who Was the Last Person...That haunted you????You wanted to kill?brandon!That you laughed at?my grandmaThat laughed at you?SteveThat turned you on?ReiYou went shopping with?MissyThat broke your heart?Jon. ok that was really the last time.To disappoint you?no comment.To ask you out?to officially ask me out? wow. i guess adam.To make you cry?no comment.To brighten up your day?DoniceThat you thought about?AdamYou saw a movie with?MattYou talked to on the phone?MissyYou talked to through IM/ICQ?AliYou saw?my familyYou lost?my great-grandmaRight This Moment...Are you going out?noWill it be with your significant other?...Or some random person?...What are you wearing right now?jeans, tee-shirt, riding boots...Body part you're touching right now:i'm touching the keyboardWhat are you worried about right now?seeing adam.What book are you reading?"Kane and Abel"What's on your mousepad?it's plain blackUse 5 words to describe how you're feeling:crummy, hungry, sad, awake, nervous.Are you bored?yesAre you tired?noAre you talking to anyone online?noAre you talking to anyone on the phone?noAre you lonely or content?right now, i guess content.Are you listening to music?no
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boring, huh?
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