
Jan 22, 2004 12:46

i did so bad on all of my midterms except for my photo midterm. why do i care so much? good question. i don't know.

Yesterday after school i was supposed to meet amanda and her new guy "friend" for lunch. I talked to her after school to see what we were doing and she said that she would call me as soon as she got to AJ's house which she was like, 5 minutes away from. WELL. 25 minutes later i called her to see what time i was going to meet them at Ruby Tuesday's, and she answered the phone:

Amanda: hello? (in this really out of breath voice)
Me: hey...what's going on? how far away are you?
Amanda: (muffled "ahh"'s) um, i'll call you back!

Do you believe that!? i was like, um...i hope she wasn't in the middle of what i thought she was in the middle of! ...at lunch when we FINALLY got there, AJ went up to get his salad from the salad bar. As soon as he was some distance away, Amanda pulled me toward her and said, "i had sex with him!" yeah. and i did call when they were in the middle of it, and that's why they were so friggen late. unbelievable! actually, it was pretty funny. but still! God, i can't believe her! she cracks me up. he's 24. she's illegal. neither of them care. but he was a really nice, fun, and funny guy who was cute with huge muscles and a tongue ring. i'm happy for her. i guess she needs someone that she can just screw around with and not have to deal with relationship stuff. maybe that's what i need too. wait, no. that didn't work out the last time i tried. oh well.


i have to go meet my mom at her shrink because we're going out to lunch.

off to boca-
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