Yay! I was tagged!

Jan 21, 2008 19:14

* LJer's that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

1- I sleep with my eyes open. Enough that you'd continue talking to me if you didn't know I was asleep. I try to tell ppl who may have occasion to see me sleeping. So as not to freak anyone out.

2- I love to dance, but unfortunately the stereotype about dancing and Black ppl is not true. So, I will only do so in public if I'm drinking or with others who dance worse than me.

3- I'm one of five siblings. Our names all start with L (Lynette, Lydia, Laurice, Logan, and Lucien). My parents also are L's (Lamar and Lorraine). They swear it wasn't their plan until I came along. They just decided to keep going with it.

4- I love fantasy and magick. I'm convinced magical creatures do exist, most of us just can't see them. I swear I saw a shapeshifter by HQ one day. I SWEAR.

5- I got hit by an SUV and thrown 15 feet. I didn't break a bone. I didn't even break a nail. Two of my co-workers saw me and one said, "It's Larissa." The other didn't recognize me so I knew my face must've been pretty fucked up. I thought I was going to die. Then I thought, "I just got hit by an SUV. I'm laying on the ground bleeding and the bitch STILL can't get my name right." I knew I'd be okay if I could still be ornery.

6- I'm deathly afraid of fire.

7- I played with my baby dolls for a long time. Like til I was 14.

8- I don't know how to ride a bike. I've never been skiing, surfing, or snowboarding. I'd like to though.

I'll tag ppl who's entries I haven't seen:
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