... is 'cause I like stuff like this:
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This is Sexy Commando Gaiden, for those of you who don't know this awesome show. It doesn't get old, although it takes a while to get used to it...
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I want to watch this movie. Seriously, I need to find a subbed version of this movie. :D This one's called Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar.
The two videos above are from mangas from Kyosuke Usuta. I totally want to be his friend in real life. xD
Oh my gosh! Just now, I dropped a glass jar that has rice porridge in it. Thankfully, I was speedy enough to knock it away from the fridge onto the carpet. I'm not quick enough to actually re-catch the thing though. But yeah, I think my heart stopped a little.
Okay, moving on...
I just came back about twenty minutes ago from my sister's house, since I heard my parents were going to go there too. We hung out, then went to Souplantation for dinner. *angel choir* I love that place! I really don't care about meat, so that place is heaven for me hahaha. I wish there was one around here... sigh. Then I got stuck in traffic on the way here, so it took me about half an hour longer than it should have, but oh well. At least I didn't crash, even though I was getting sleepy. I'm glad I got to see the family... I missed them all. :) I didn't see my brother though, but I don't really count him as part of it, since he doesn't care about us either. Bleh. Plus, I have a brother-in-law who's super cool, hah.
Oh yeah! My sister made muffins! <3 They are delicious, even though my sister replaced butter with something, and milk with soy milk, hehe. Also, totally unrelated though, I'm selling old textbooks. Anyone need out-of-date textbooks? :P I already sold one of them on Amazon. Have I sold any more? Let's see... Nope. I have not. Anyway, the textbooks: Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution by Kardong, Hormones by Norman, and The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology by Moore. Yeah. I doubt anyone's going to say they need these books haha. Oh well. I'm sorry I don't have anything more fun to sell. :P
Now, please excuse me while I start studying again. I need to sleep though, hehe. Moving around takes a lot of energy out of me. :o