Jan 05, 2004 19:44
-today was sort ok... kinda sleepyyy. and COLD.. brrrrrrr.. i GOT A HECKA BAD GRADE on my MATH test!!!!!!!! seriolusy1////////!!!,, and then michelle was like " at least u did better then me " and told me her grade and it was pretty funny,, cuz it was pretty low .. lol ,, but i won't tell u the score,, cuz that would be hecka mean...
-i MISSED the a meeting to day.. me and alex were liek hecka running when we found out where it was..
-after school... supposedly i went to "CITY BEACH",, but the really dumb thinnnnngggyy was.. when i got there,, i was like..." where is everyone" and then i asked one of the ladies there if ambrish was gonna come,, and she was like "yea,, he's prob.. just late",, so then i waited and waited and waited and waited and waited,,, until i was like,,, what the heck,, and then started calling ppl,, and then i called "richard" ,, and then he was like""uhhh ... there's no badminton today".. so i was like "OMG" so then i was trying to get a hold of my parents to pick me up ,, but it took forever cuz they didn't leave their cell on,, and then weren't home .. soooo again i waited and watied and waited and waited all over again.. sooo boring.. i wish i brought my hw or seomthing to work on when i was there.. .so yea..!!!!! i went there for NO rEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!