Well, i cant sleep because my groupmate is an irritable piece of fuck, and i cant function well, and my mind is sick as fuck from trying to analyze the laws of sales..
so whatever.
i will indulge, in a yugioh meme. (and im also downloading ygo subs, and some french films like Delicatessen, Angel-A, Au Suivant :])
1. Who is your favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! character(s)?
Jou, Malik, Seto..pretty much the ones with the shitty childhood :p
2. What is your favorite pairing? (If any)
HAHA. Kaijou? Have i said SetoJou yet? How about SethJouno?
3. Are you a Yu-Gi-Oh! yaoi or hentai fan?
Yaoi , but i wont mind hentai (except if its mai. or rebecca)
4. Ever cosplayed Yu-Gi-Oh! characters? if so, who, where and how many times?
no, and i have no intention of doing so..
5. List your collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! junk and merchendise, if any.
3 tankobouns, 2 Shonen Jump, 1 YGO Movie DVD, fake cards (well i cant afford real ones!), one real card (which was free from shonen jump), 3 YGO PC Games (Joey the Passion, Kaiba the Revenge, Yugi the Destiny) ..:P and posters!
6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a YGO character? If so who?
As much as i adore Jou, i think im destined to be Kaiba's Accountant/ Financial Analyst, or Marik's Associate Lawyer in crime. Yeah all those deceitful jobs..
7. Puzzleshipping (Yami Yuugi x Yuugi) or Prideshipping (Seto x Yami Yuugi)?
Puzzleshipping, because i want Seto to be exclusive to Jou.LOL
8. Silentshipping (Seto x Shizuka / Serenity) or Azureshipping (Seto x Anzu)?
Azureshipping! Shizuka's a hapless bitch..
9. Are you pro-Seto or anti-Seto?
I think he's dickhead, wasting all their Stockholders' capital on a children's card game. But i <3 him anyways. At least he knows that a sexy trenchcoat is a good investment.
10. Have you seen all YGO episodes so far?
Been watching for 7 years. what do you expect?
except for season0 and cr@psule monsters
11. Have you read all the chapters so far?
oly season 0 shite.
12. Sub or dub?
DUB! i mean the Tagalog or Singaporean dub. The latter is pure crack. The voices are wacky and Marik sounds like he has throat cancer or something. besides the dub lets you concentrate on the duel lovely art.
13. Pro-Anzu / Tea or Anti-Anzu / Tea?
Pro. She's cute. and i think its only the dub that ruined her,,what not with those fake friendship speeches.
14. Joey / Jounouchi = annoying or funny?
ahem. if you know me, you know the answer.
15. Bakura = sexy beast or freaking scary idiot?
freaky sexy idiotic beast
16. Which character would be the best crossdresser?
arent they all? Marik, hands down. Sod that purple midriff.
17. Yami Marik = yay or nay?
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! hands down to the most amusing character of all.
18. Do you like YGO fanfics?
yes, but only if they are (a) Kaijou, (b) CRACK fics about the whole YGO cast being gay and shit.
19. Do you write YGO fanfics?
I dont write stories, i make financial statements.
20. Do your parents know any YGO characters?
yeah, "the one with weird hair"..thats Yami.
21. Have you watched the YGO Abridged Series?
anyone who hasnt watched yet just missed a quarter of their life.
22. Have you ever got someone else hooked on YGO?
23. Have you ever been drawing YGO in school and have someone
randomly say "WOAH! you like YGO too?!"
never happened. and i dont draw YGO. at school.
24. Have you ever been in class drawing YGO and the teacher
comes up to you and says "wtf is this?"
its actually you , mam. note the wild hair, the huge ego>
25. Has YGO affected your school life and grades?
im supposed to calculating a company's financial performance now..
26. Are you broke thanks to YGO?
i dont pay electricity charges for leaving my lappie open the whole day for downloading subs..so..No.
27. Do you draw YGO fanart?
Used to.
28. Do you have a YGO OC?
i dont think so.
wait i think ALEX exists (Jou's son and Seto's stepson in the fic, La Couer et Raisons.)
29. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think YGO has taken over your life?
only when depression kicks in. it didnt really take me over like my Death Note obsession, but my fandom has a running time of 7 years and counting..maybe its because it just grew on me. and maybe because i can associate a lot of good childhood memories with it thats why i never got sick of it.
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
Both? pearls...
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs
4. What's your favorite TV show?
Yugioh, Desperate Housewives, Australia's next top model, Channel V
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Pesto Ciabatta, and an american cheese sandwich.
6. What's your favorite cuisine?
7. What foods do you dislike?
Some native foods. Fatty American food.
8. What is your favorite chip flavor?
Sour cream!
9. What's your favorite CD at the moment?
Empire of the Sun
10. What kind of car do you drive?
you mean cars? haha. id rather not disclose for security purposes.
11. Favorite sandwich?
Roast Turkey with Gruyere, Sundried Tomatoes and toasted sesame seeds
12. What characteristics do you despise?