Mar 20, 2006 19:22
Soo today, i finally got a word back from Madison, after a very long wait. There are good news and bad news. Lets start with the negatives and get it out of the way.
Bad: I didn't get accepted. :( I tried soo hard, spent countless hours doing my best, but i didnt get accepted.
Good: I got invited to their "Madison Connection Program". Which is a program for invited "strong applicants" only. Which means, if i go through with this program, i would end up at Madison. Basically I get two.. thats right.. TWO, campus IDs, one from Madison, and one from whatever two year college i go to. I can use Madison's resource, like their library, or buying tickets at discounted student rate. That sort of things. But I wont be at Madison doing my general credits. I'll be at a 2 year college. Then you have to maintain your grades and stuff, and then you will be admitted as a Madison student to finish your major for your bach. degree.
I guess its not the end of the world. But it's definitely not the letter i was hoping for. But this is better than a rejection letter. I guess that's my entry for tonight. Now i am going to probably sleep better knowing the decision, and not the unknown.