(no subject)

Feb 19, 2011 09:45

The pens I use to ink my comic come in a bunch of sizes, but all look exactly the same except for little numbers on the top of the caps. And because I am me, they are not in a nice orderly box, but scattered all over the nearest table. So I inevitably have to sort through them all to find the one I want, every single time.

Oh well. Better than the eraser that I lose at least six times a day (okay, which pocket of which jacket...) or the clear plastic ruler that blends in seamlessly with most wooden surfaces, so you can be looking straight at it and still not see it.

It's not that I don't understand why real artists often have a separate space set aside for working. I just... grew up drawing in front of the tv, at McDonalds, during lunch at school. I always want to take it with me and do it everywhere. I need, like, a box or something.

ETA: oh, now I made myself nostalgic for my elementary school art. I used to make little paper mermaids, draw them and color them and cut them out, and then carry them around like other girls would carry dolls. Once my (older, boy) cousin ripped my first one and I was SO UPSET, until my mom or someone pointed out that I could just make another.
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