(no subject)

Jul 03, 2010 12:38

I'm still not quite 100% sure I'm done with these, but I'm getting really close, so. I'm finally posting those paintings I've been talking about for months.

For the record, these photos are CRAP. The detail came out fine, but the colors are all wrong. I spent forever trying to fix them, but fixing one color messes up another, you know? The only way I know to really improve from here would be to just go in and manually re-color everything.

Which makes me crazy because the colors are, like, the entire point. *le sigh* Ah well.

What I'm still debating is this last one; I feel like the ground is too big and green, that it throws the color scheme off, but I'm unsure what else to do with it. Put flowers in? Expand the clouds to cover more of it? I kind of want more pink in there, but the ground can't just BE pink. So pink flowers would help that--except would that make it too busy? Hn. I did plan these out somewhat, but those versions were smaller and less detailed, so this problem didn't show up.

Done on wood (smoothy smooth goodness) with super-cheap first-grade-art-class quality acrylics because I'm poor. The yellow was completely transparent and took like 15 layers to get the streaks out in things like her raincoat, or that yellow-green stripe in the rainbow. Actually, the rainbow was a nightmare: the white is all nice and opaque, so that helped with most of the other colors, but since the rainbow is much deeper and richer than everything else, it had very little white in it and ALL the colors took way too many layers.

These were, weirdly, actually a lot more work than more naturalistic work. The lines all need to be so clean and crisp and straight, there's just NO room for error.

cutesy visual sarcasm, art, not-fanart

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