Happy birthday Subu

Sep 22, 2013 20:21

Happiest birthday to our favorite Red Ranger Shibutani Subaru. And happy Anniversary to Kanjani 8

Image taken from baru_daily | Banner by me of course!

Wow, it's been awhile since I last made a birthday banner like this. I hope it doesn't look too shabby.

To make this entry a little more fun I shall do this JE meme. Since I recently got back to JE fandom, I thought it’s only appropriate to do it.

1. Your favorite J.E drama?
"My boss my Hero". Nagase and Koki under one roof, gotta love that! ;)

2. Who is your favorite in the whole entertainment?
Tanaka Koki (The one who keeps me coming back to the fandom and the reason I made my LJ in the first place (: )

3. Who is your favorite in Arashi?
A toss between Sho and Aiba.

4. Who is your favorite in Hey Say JUMP?
None, I don’t know them well.

5. Who is your favorite in NewS?
Yamapi. I don't really listen to News all that much, but he's an excellent actor.. I give you that.

6. Who is your favorite in Kat-tun?
Koki (:

7. Who is your favorite in Kanjani8?
Probably Yoko and Subu. They're hilarious.

8. Who is your favorite in Johnny's Juniors?
Toma. He's a brilliant actor. I really enjoy his dramas.

9. What is your most favorite song in J.E?
Yorokobi no Uta by Kat-tun - this song makes me happy ☺

10. Favorite Arashi song
Firefly (When I first listened to it I thought Sho sounds a lot like Koki hahaha)

11. Favorite Hey Say JUMP song
None, I don’t know their songs well.

12. Favorite NewS song
None, I don't know their songs well I'm afraid.

13. Favorite Kat-tun song
Yorokobi no Uta (as above)

14. Favorite Kanjani8 song
None, I listen to them sometimes but nothing comes to mind...

15. Your OTP?
KoDa (Koki/Ueda), JinNo (Jin/Junno), KoKame (Koki/Kame), TaNaka (Koki/Maru)

16. Your OTP in Arashi
Sakuraiba (Sho/Aiba)

17. Your OTP in Hey Say JUMP

18. Your OTP in NewS
TegoMass (Tegoshi/Massu)

19. Make a random OTP
KoYass (Koki/Yasu - I love this pairing too for some reason)

20. Favorite Concert?
Kattun Live in Kaizokuban

21. Favorite Variety Show?
Arashi no Shukudaikun.

22. Favorite Drama that an Arashi member(s) stars in
Yoiko no Mikata - I thought this drama is really sweet. In this drama Sho plays a Kindergarten teacher.

23. Favorite Drama that a Hey Say JUMP member(s) stars in

24. Favorite Drama that a NewS member(s) stars in
Proposal Daisakusen - Hallelujah chance!!! :D

25. Favorite Drama that a Kat-tun member(s) stars in
My Boss My Hero & Hanayome to Papa

26. The first Johnny's band you've known

27. In first what in J.E you find distracting but now loving it?
Probably Ohmiya and their public display of affection hahaha XD

28. The first Johnny's drama you've known
Hana Kimi.

29. First impression of J.E ?
Pretty boys.

30. Do you hate a J.E member? Who?
no one.

31. Who is the most talented in singing?
Hands down Ohno.

32. Who is the most talented in dancing?
Junno and Ohno.

33. Who is the most talented in acting?
I think Junno is a very actor, I don't know why he's so under appreciated.

34. Who is the most cute?
Koki of course.

35. Who is the most handsome?
Shige is really macho in my opinion.

36. Who is the most spoiled?
Kame maybe? I love him though so I don't mind. Johnny seems to be fond of him :D

37. Who is the most athletic?
Hands down Ueda.

38. Who is the smartest?

39. Who is the most kind?

40. Do you wish them to be single forever?
Of cos’ not. I want them to be happy. Koki would make a great Father figure in my opinion. He has the biggest and kindest heart. I hope he'll find someone that will make him happy ☺

* public post, ~ birthday, random: tag

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