1. It's rainy, windy and foggy in the mountains. When upstairs, you can hear tapping of the rain on the skylights.
2. I got my replacement bottle of Torani apple syrup. No breakage.
3. I refilled my propane tank for lampworking today. Tomorrow I will hook up the tank and torch to the new hoses, and put the new air filter in my O2 concentrator. Then, I make beads.
4. John's job is going well, and the bosses have offered a scheduling solution that will make the whole commute mess a lot easier.
5. I want to see "Dead Ringers", with Jeremy Irons. It's a Cronenberg movie, so it will be creepy as hell. I also want to see "Videodrome." I have seen just a few Cronenberg films, but I liked them a lot. Maybe for Halloween John and I will rent them and watch them.
6. As Vespa grows, the orange markings on her are taking on a lovely, distinct striped pattern.
7. I need more Spring Green Vitabath.
8. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Loscon.
9. I want a set of flannel sheets. This set:
http://tinyurl.com/yg4juw2. In Ca king. I will probably buy them when John gets his first full paycheck. It will save us $ on heating bills...right?
10. Vespa got me with her claws, so John is trimming them right now.