As you all dont know and probably dont care I play World of Warcraft a MMORPG well my home built comp has an AMD prossessor and my bf's comp has an Intel. When I went to the Computer store that I bought my comp from I asked them what it would take to change to intel and he told me if I played games I would want to stay with AMD becaue they are better at gaming. My prossessor is just crap and I need to up date it from the 1.8ghz duh :)
I found this artical,1697,1854726,00.asp very intersting.
On a nother note it has been like 30-60 F outside the last couple of days, makes me look foward to summer and swimming at the lake and fishing and boating and the such eventhough i ll be a big fat heffer by June and July
NE who ttyl