Aug 03, 2007 19:15
I know i can be a pain. so when i find someone who not only can deal with it, but almost understands and appreciates me for my quarks. you just wanna hold on to them.
throw in some abandonment issues and you can sometimes hold on to hard. so i'm trying to restrain myself. because i think i found one of those friends. the ones who love you unconditionally. thats a huge thing to me.
you add on that this person is so sweet and geniunily cares. OMG A shooting star we could all just be lucky enough to know once in our lifes...
i don't really know what i'm trying to say here, but you know who you are. When you read this i just wanna say thx for being my friend.. <3's and no matter what happenes or where the road takes us. i will always be there for you. for the simple reason of you being a true friend...
Remy Star