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here Rules:
1. Post a pairing plus a kink.
1a. One request per comment.
1b. The only kink not allowed on this meme is anything involving underage sex. What I mean by this is if, either in the request or fic, it is made clear (either by stating a number or giving a physical description) that
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He'd been asleep when he'd passed into the inner landscape. Clever, really, to make it happen then. No one expected logic of dreams, especially when they realized the were dreaming. And the inner landscape had gone from something resembling the real world, however vaguely, to a jumble of pillars and darkness and spots of light.
Now, Riku was trapped. Trapped in a circle of stained glass, depicting some dark monster as the light faded slowly. This pillar, this circle, was the only light left in the darkness.
The hooded man from the cave stood, or floated, just outside the circle, close enough to be seen clearly now. Golden skin and white hair, and the eyes of a predator.
No, the eyes of a monster. Predators killed cleanly, ate their fill, and left. The man stared at Riku silently, a slight, smug smirk on his lips. Riku shuddered and felt dirty; somehow, he knew the man was getting off on this. Even jumping into the darkness wouldn't save Riku, and the man out there knew it, and knew that Riku knew it, and it excited him.
Something had to happen. Had to change. Soon.
Before the light faded completely...
By which I mean very well done, of course.
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