Glee 2x20, Pure Imagination cover

May 13, 2011 04:16

Loved this week's episode of Glee. Leading up to it I knew it would be a good one, and Glee delivered. In spite of my skepticism early on (kilts make me just a wee bit uncomfortable, okay, I have a hard time taking them seriously), I loved Kurt wearing his kilt suit to prom. He looked great in it. I loved the hallway exchange between Kurt and Karofsky (a.k.a. Dave, I'm not sure which name to call him by these days). It was completely unexpected and I was so, so glad to see it happen. And finally, hard as it was to see (and still is, when I find myself giving in to the urge to watch again) I loved those moments after the Prom Queen announcement; the eerie silence that followed, the shock on Kurt's face, that lone, mocking wolf-whistle arising from somewhere off-camera. It's a powerful moment. And let's not forget Blaine's voice as he runs out after Kurt, the sharpness with which he cries, "Stop! Kurt!" Each time I watch it it's that "stop" that always gets me.

But right now, mostly I'm just flailing over Glee's cover of Pure Imagination (yes, from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) which will be performed in next week's episode. It's sung by Chris (Kurt), Cory (Finn), Jenna (Tina), and Kevin (Artie). It's simply beautiful, and don't even get me started on Chris's voice. Just like in As If We Never Said Goodbye, every time his voice comes floating through my little earbuds my mouth falls open a little and I try my very best to soak it up, to absorb it. It's positively ethereal. I know that not everyone is going to agree with me and my adoration of Chris and his voice (my roommate, for one, is not so enamored with it/him as I am) but the others' voices are nice too, and if you would like to download and listen to the song anyway, you can do so here.


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