What does one do when one wants to procrastinate? Post an entry on here, of course. I have to get done an English quiz, a math take home quiz, and study for my counseling and psych class midterms this week. Not to mention a math midterm next week. I failed my last one and can't do that again.
Again, I could kill Lauren. I've recently rediscovered my love for Takeru and Angemon! Did you know that there are not that many fics out there about them? Either as friends, partners, or more, there is a distinct lack of Takeru and Angemon fics out there. Of course, I haven't scoured the Net yet for them, but that's what I find on Ff.n and Aff.n. DeviantArt, however, has so many pretty pictures! It gives me various ideas for a Digimon fic!
It is after the Myotismon arc in Season02. Everything is going smoothly, when suddenly Patamon is experiencing sudden increases of energy, spontaneously evolving him into Angemon. Basically, he's becoming like Gatomon where he has enough energy to remain in his Adult form.
In the Digital World, the Digimon are recuperating from the effects of the Digimon Kaiser and Myotismon(I'll have to watch more Season2 episodes as I can't remember exactly who else is involved). Slowly, town are being built (similar to Season4, so I'll have to watch more of them).
I want to basically write about how Takeru and Angemon cope with Patamon staying as Angemon, how Angemon re-assimilates back into Digital society, like the other Chosen Digimon, how the separation affects Takeru, and a bit of background on Takeru and Angemon/Patamon before Season2. Doesn't it seem as though Takeru's only friends are the DigiDestined and the Digimon?
I also want to include Ken in here somewhere. I see him seeing the differences in Takeru's behavior after Angemon returns to the Digital World. Sure, some would say Iori would see it better, but I want Takeru to be spending most of his time in the Digital World and have Ken see it as he had done the same thing until he had 'moved' into the Digital World as the Digimon Kaiser.
As for Angemon, he'll be having problems controlling his extra energy. Just for this fic, I'll be bringing back Piximon! First, the duo would have to find Piximon through word of mouth, and then get to his dojo. Of course, the rest of the 02 gang would want to come as well, except for the little matter that the pair would be staying over night in the Digital World for many nights, meaning that they can't stay with the duo for long.
Somewhere in here, I want to get Takeru Digital powers. That was the basic plot for DMoH. I'm thinking something similar to Season3 Bio partners, but with a Season4 human-to-Digimon flair. Can you just imagine Takeru with wings?
Alright, I think that's enough for now. I better get back to the books. I really don't want to though...Best get it done now, I suppose.