bring on Reading 2007 my friends, Lola is back!
gutted i missed out on this years, but i watched it on the telly. gonna get all my camping shit that i may need in the sales this year. i think i might want a bigger tent for me and Jen, cause it was considerably cramped at T2005 with me and Laura in it for three nights.
i'm fucking excited already and it's a whole bastarding year away.
we're totally gonna be rocking the dresses at festivals thing. so i'm gonna try and get a couple of posh frocks in the charidee shop. (i know loads of people do it, but i think it'll be mint)
in other news, work is surprisingly good, i volunteered to be a 'floorwalker' for when the system switched from shitty Windows NT to shiny XP, which basically means anyone can interupt my busy workday if they need a hand with their computer, wahey! so i fart on with Outlook and shit to get our old functions back and stuff. piss easy, but seeing that i'm the only one out of 5 people who volunteered who is actually any good and actually helping anyone, it means that i'm responsible for a floor of about 60 people, which will look good on my CV (especially seeing as i haven't had any formal training, i was just emailed this shitty booklet which i haven't even looked at, and i've researched any problem we've found off my own back to fix it), basically my manager thinks i am awesome. =D
my room is decorated now, but it's still full of shite that i haven't been arsed to tidy away yet.
my cousin's wedding was the other week, and it was great, only in the church while they were signing the registers they played the song off the end of the Wedding Singer, so it totally made me crack and cry.
i took a load of photos which she loves, she's getting
this one printed 70 times to send out with her thankyou cards.
not much going on elsewhere. went out til 3am on monday night and got up at 6am after 2 and a half hours sleep, killer. i could have died yesterday. better today, woo.
and now i think i'm gonna go read a bit more of my new Nick Hornby book.