So this last episode was AWESOME!!
Adam was there! And I love and miss Adam! he needs to come back. I mean Heroes already has done so much unbelievable shit that I don't think anyone would bat an eye at the writers resurrecting Adam in some crazy way, and the fans love him so much (or at least they should) that we wouldn't mind if it doesn't make any sense. Adam was a good lawyer! Though he missed one or two objections here and there. Damn you mocktrial why do I know this!? It does make me want to write a fanfic were Adam is Nathan's attorney in the after life, but I'm not sure if I'm going to or not. *shrug* Also David Anders is hot and Ando was a really terrible defense lawyer, but I love him anyway.
Hiro and Ando were basically made of awesome in this episode! And I totally should have called that Hiro's mom was going to cure him. And I loved Sylar (as usual) listing all the people he killed trying to remember their names. LOL such a cute serial killer.
Sylar/Claire kiss!!! And established friendship Claire/Gretchen!! I still don't buy that Claire is gay or bi or whatever, but I really like Gretchen and want her to not die or disappear from the show, especially since she is the first honest-to-God lesbian character on the show. Sylar always came off as gay to me though and I eventually excepted him as bisexual (oh yes there is still room for mylar even if it is only as a past relationship, plus the scenes between Sylar and Peter this season were too erotic for him not to be at least bi) so maybe the writers will convince me about Claire.
I'm not looking forward too much to next episode as much. I mean really what could top an episode with Adam NOTHING yep nothing, and I don't buy Sylar wanting to get rid of his powers he would at least keep a few! I mean the healing ability is what connects him to Claire to begin with! Some has to live forever with her! And Peter is totally going to ned his help to stop Samuel so he better not get rid of them.
Poor Matt he just wants to be left alone. LOL