Written for the
heroes_faves prompt: Haunted House
Title: Another Costume
Characters: Adam, Peter, & Nathan
Pairings: none
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don’t own Heroes or any of the other characters from Heroes they belong to NBC and Tim Kring
Spoiler alert: AU after season 3
Summary: “This isn’t some prime time television special, and we are not the Winchester brothers, now can we go home?”
Throughout his life, people accused Adam of being many things, a demon, a devil, a vampire, and even a politician. In four hundred years, Adam had experienced many things, he saw men and women with the power to erase minds and manipulate the very fabric of the universe, but he never experienced anything to make him believe in the supernatural. However, now that he was nothing but a disembodied spirit trapped in the old Pinehurst building, it was hard to maintain his original belief structure.
Being a ghost, was possibly one of the most boring things Adam had ever experienced and he lived among the Puritans for a time. Adam supposed that he should be grateful that he was a ghost and not in hell. Victoria always said that he would end up in hell if ever someone ever managed to kill him. Shows what she knew. Of course, then again Adam guessed being a ghost was a kind of hell all its own. His after life was completely uneventful. He’d take a good ol’ fight with the forces of darkness over stomping around the remnants of Arthur Petrelli’s greatest failure for all eternity.
“Pete, I really think this is unnecessary.”
“I’m telling you, Nathan, I had this dream about him.”
Speaking of Arthur’s failures, the Petrelli brothers came into view.
Adam watched Nathan walk right through him and shiver.
“Is it colder in here, or is it just me?”
“Stop it, Nathan, this place creeps me out enough as it with out you being all ominous.”
“I’m not being ominous. It just got really cold suddenly that doesn’t mean I’m-wait, your already psyching yourself
aren’t you?”
Peter looked at Nathan then looked away his eyes shifting in every direction.
Nathan laughed. “You really think this place is haunted, don’t you? What do you think, Adam’s restless spirit stills roams the halls?”
Again, Peter stayed silent. Adam had to admit that he was always loved Peter’s uncanny ability at being accidentally awesome, it was something that made Peter both useful and easy to manipulate all at once, that was why Adam choose Peter to help him release the virus. Adam frowned. He would have gotten away with it to if it weren’t for that meddling Carp and his pesky friends.
“Pete, you can’t be serious.”
“Hey, this building housed a mad scientist. Why not a ghost?”
“First, Suresh is different and secondly, for the simple fact that it’s impossible Pete--ghosts aren’t real. This isn’t
some prime time television special, and we are not the Winchester brothers, now can we go home?” Nathan looked at his watch. “I can’t believe I called off a meeting for this.”
Peter sighed and held out a placating hand to his brother. “Just have a little faith in me, for once, okay?”
Nathan seemed to struggle with himself for a moment before he finally nodded. “Okay fine, do your whole Medium thing.”
Peter frowned at Nathan’s sarcastic tone, but nevertheless cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak.
“Adam, if you’re still here, give us some sort of sign.”
Oh, this is ridiculous, Adam thought. Hear he was a ghost for all eternity, as far as he knew, with no one but the lamest John Edwards to keep him company. Really, what did Peter expect him to do? But then Adam thought, once again, about how things weirdly seemed to always work out for Peter. If there was even a slight chance that Peter could end his misery, Adam was willing to give it a go.
He started shouting, hollering, and yelling. He stamped his feet and attempted to move the debris of the burnt building, but his hands always moved right threw. Every sound he made sounded like barely more than a slight gust of wind to his ears. Adam knew it was no use and getting his hopes up, now, just seemed a waste.
Peter, however, either heard him, or was really into those ghost hunter shows, because he kept saying, “Did you hear that? Nathan, I think I heard something.”
Adam wanted to believe that Peter actually heard him, and kept attempting to make some sort of connection. He felt like a fool.
“Pete, that’s enough. Nothing is happening.”
Peter looked at Nathan with wide sad eyes.
“Seriously Pete, there is no one here but us and the charred wallpaper, and even if Adam was here, why would you
want to bring him back? The guy tried to kill ninety nine percent of the population.”
Peter sighed. “Yeah, I guess you are right. Let’s go.”
Nathan slung an arm around Peter. “Hey, its okay. You can’t save everyone and in this case, the guy doesn’t deserve it anyway.”
Peter smiled up at Nathan but still looked forlorn. “Yeah, I know.”
Adam fumed, he hated Nathan, the man was always stopping Peter from helping him, whether it was remaking the world or bringing him back to life, Nathan was always in the way. In a desperate and futile attempt, Adam punched Nathan and found that instead of his hand going threw Nathan’s body-- it stayed inside.
Hmm, that is interesting, Adam thought.
Nathan shivered hard. “Man it’s cold, I should have brought a coat.”
“Maybe you’re getting sick.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Nathan said, trying to shake the cold feeling but being unable to.
Adam smiled and moved forward watching his spirit slip into Nathan’s body. Adam imagined it was something like putting on a wetsuit. It suddenly felt like a key had turned and locked into place. Adam opened his eyes and stared at Peter.
“Nathan? You sure you’re okay?”
Nathan smiled. “Certainly Peter, never better. Just feeling a little trapped in this place.”
Peter smiled back. “Yeah, I know what you mean. So are we taking a plane or flying air Nathan again?”
“I always thought flying would be interesting.”
“Nothing, I’ll fly us back.”
As Adam flew overhead, he could feel the young politician fighting with him in the back of his mind. Shrieking and
threatening, and something about going near his brother, but Adam knew he could handle Nathan. Peter’s big brother wouldn’t be able to stop him now. Now, not only could Adam fly, but he was still essentially immortal, after all, no one could kill what was already dead, it would be Nathan who suffered, not him.
Throughout his four hundred years, Adam had changed his name and identity so many times that he forgot who he was originally, from a time he called before Hiro, all he was doing now was simply taking a different name, and putting on a different costume. Adam smirked as he sailed over the world below him, holding Peter’s body close to his, he always fancied going into politics, and he imagined haunting the White House would be much more entertaining that haunting any other.