Getting My Geek On!

Jun 22, 2010 21:43

Things I am excited about!

Green Lantern Movie! Yes, please!

Man of Steel (the Superman Reboot) Also exciting, but I was a little concerned when one article I read said this would be a darker version of Superman... ummm there is no dark version of Superman. I know the big thing now is dystopias, but Superman just can't be that way, sorry that is just his character. I know it makes him harder to write, but is just the challenge the writers have to face.

Possible Flash and Wonder Woman movies! Hooray!!

And epic rumors about a JLA movie. So far just rumors WB is staying very quiet about this. I think it will definitely happen because DC wants to compete with Marvel's up coming Avengers movie, JLA is a logical step. However, this does make me wonder about the Batman movies. Nolan wants this to be the last Batman, he also said he didn't want to do a Superman/Batman team up, and Christian Bale said he would quit if Robin joined the movies making it unlikely that he would do a JLA movie. Which makes me wonder how this would play out. You can't do JLA without Batman, if they try to it will be a disaster because the fans will mutiny. Besides have the time I can only stand Superman when Batman is around to play off of him. Really, the have such a great dynamic who wouldn't do this. The other thing WB can do is force Chris Nolan's hand into not ending the trilogy the way he wants to leaving room for a JLA movie, but if Christian Bale refuses to do it there is no point anyway! Maybe they'll just reboot Batman again, which just sounds so lame. Here's hoping everyone involved does the right thing.

Also I bought Joker's Asylum: Harley Quinn which was amusing but nothing especially good so it was kind of disappointing. And I bought The Killing Joke which was freaky. I basically knew everything that happened expect the end where Joker and Batman are both laughing *shivers* for some reason that freaked me out more than anything else. I think it is partly because I don't understand that final scene.

Anyway that was me getting my geek on. I hope you enjoyed!

fandom: dc comics, fandom: batman, reviews: comics

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