I was thinking today about the pairing I have subscribed to over the years, why I liked them, and if they are realistic. Note: I am only writing down things I have read or write. Here goes.
I started reading slash first, out of curiosity, but then I started to see that many of the slash authors were actually much more skilled. Why? I don't know. I think it is because slash is more of a challenge (depending on who you ship). It is like authors back in the 1800s writing about peoples of different classes falling in love. They had a lot of controversy and a lot to over come, both personally, and socially. This makes the story more interesting because of all the conflict. However, this only works if done well. It takes a lot to write good and convincing slash fic. Here is who Is ship.
Harry Potter:
Harry/Draco - it all started with this pairing. I have read a tone of bad fic for them, but I started out reading the really excellent ones. I thought it was realistic once upon a time, but I knew they could never be canon wise, but I mean common they are both obsessed with each other at one point.
Harry/Cedric - love this pairing even though it is often really sad. I also see it being completely possible that these two had a crush on each other before...*sniff* everything...
Harry/Voldemort aka Tom Riddle- not realistic AT ALL. But I have read a few, like one or two, awesome fics for this ship. This is probably the hardest ship to write out of all the ones I picked and when you find a good one, damn do you ever.
Sirius/Remus- they call it puppy love. Sirius and Remus are canon in my opinion.
Mohinder/Sylar- my favorite heroes ship. Their interactions, the tension, the drama, all make for interesting fic. In my head this is also canon despite how many women Sylar has slept with recently and Mohinder's little stint with Maya. I will always think they at least had a crush on each other .
Peter/Sylar- this is basically canon now, seriously watch the show.
Mohinder/Adam- a rare ship that deserves more fans. The few fics that have been written are fantastic. Plus, i love the idea that Mohinder is atrracted to psychopaths. LOL. But seriously this ship is awesome! Why isn't there more of this!!!! Not really realistic though since they never met and Kring freaking killed Adam!! Asshole!
Peter/Adam- don't ship it that often, but the few fics I have read I like. This ship is plausible, but in my opinion not likely.
Bruce Wayne aka Batman/Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow- oh this ship. This ship has taken over my brain. Let me say I do not see this ship as realistic at all! I happen to think that Bruce Wayne is straight, maybe he could be leaning a little toward being gay, but even if that was so I don't think he would ever act on it. Jonathan I think is basically asexual, he just really does not care. But when I first read this ship I fell in love. First off the their names rhyme! Wayne/Crane! LOL! But anyway the few fics I read for this pairing are extremely well done! The authors actually make me believe that this could very well happen in canon and that, my friends, takes skill. Besides just think about Christina Bale and Cillian Murphy hooking up. *Gives you a second* Epically hot right? Of course right.
ONE SIDED Batman/Joker- Joker would totally do Batman! Not that Batman would ever let him, but hey it is there. Even in canon Joker has asked Batman for a kiss! Its weird and creeps me out, but it is true.
Good Omens:
Aziraphale/Crowley- The cutest angel and demon to ever fall in love. There are two fics I have read that feature this pairing and they might as well be published they were so good. Also this is totally canon.
Old reliable het. Though I ship a lot of het pairings sadly there are not as many good fics for them making it more difficult for me to get as obsessed with them as I do some of the slash pairings.
Harry Potter:
Harry/Luna- I wanted this to happen so badly. I have not read any good fics for this pairing though, which makes me super sad. :(
Draco/Ginny- I love the Romeo and Juliet quality to this ship. I also wanted this to be canon really badly and I have read AWESOME fics for this pairing.
Hermione/Viktor- I loved this pairing! I thought the were really cute and had a lot of potential. I haven't read as many fics for these two, but some have been really well done. (I totally screwed over Ron with this ship. Oh well. *shrug*)
Snape/Lily- IT'S AWESOME AND IT'S CANON! To bad it always ends so tragically. *sniff* Like Harry/Cedric this pairing is great, but unless you are reading an AU be prepared for some tears.
Lucius/Narcissa- I know this is just a standard pairing that is expressly stated in the books, but I really like they love each other and I love exploring their relationship. The fics I have read for these two are awesome. Sadly though it is a small pairing and most of the time authors make Lucius this abusive cheating asshole which I just don't see.
Sylar/Elle- I love this pairing two psychopaths in love. Sadly this pairing also ends tragically unless its AU, which pisses me off cause Elle should have never died! And it made NO SENSE that Sylar killed her. *Sigh* But anyway don't like many fanfics written about this pair. I just haven't found many I thought were well done, but there are a handful that are. This pairing also reminds me of me and my boyfriend....but you know without the killing. Also canon!
Sylar/Claire- Canon! Well kind of, this pairing is mostly ridiculous, but hilarious. Sylar just woke up one day and said: "Hey your immortal and I'm immortal we should totally do it!" Not many good fics for this.
Peter/Caitlin- Again tragic, but only cause Kring is an idiot. For the longest time I thought Peter was a really idiot. Quote: "Next time on Heroes: Peter doesn't have enough information and does something stupid!" Caitlin balanced Peter out really well and she was a strong female character. There are not nearly enough fics for this, probably because of what happens to Caitlin. Canon!
Matt/Aubrey- Really wanted this to happen in the show, but I think Aubrey doesn't have enough popularity for them to do it. Very few fics for this. Have the time they are merely aside not for another pairing, which is a shame because they worked so well together.
Elle/Adam- In my head this is totally canon! I think Adam even admits they had a thing in the show. They are both cute and deliciously insane. Have not seen many fics for this either. I think Heroes is just more into slash.
Elle/Mohinder- The snark! Oh the snark of this pairing is excellent! And the fics for it, the few I have seen, are excellent.
Spike/Buffy- Canon! Hilarious! Awesome! Spike fits so well into Buffy's life. He takes care of Dawn and discusses Passions with Buffy's mom. I adore this pairing! Can't get enough! Excellent fics and BOOKS for this pairing!
Mal/Inara-dark, dramatic, intense, funny, snarky and canon! I want Mal and Inara to hook up so bad but the show was cancelled! Sad! Excellent fic!
Simon/Kaylee- awesome awkward pairing. These two make your relationship seem smooth. Also canon. Excellent fic!
Zoe/Wash- a functioning interracial married couple on TV! What!? Love this relationship they are so funny and awesome together! Joss Whedon portrays their marriage extremely well! Excellent fics for this pairing as well.
Sarah/Jareth- David freaking Bowie! This my kind of fairy tale. The villain falls for the heroine! Sexy, fanciful, canon! (basically anyway) and awesome fic for this pairing. Sadly though, most people aren't writing for this pairing anymore so you can literally read every fanfic for this pairing and then be just really sad.
Star Trek:
Spock/Uhura- Tis canon! HA! Spock proves that in a perfect world geeks do get the girl! Uhura/Spock was suppose to be canon in the original series, but Shatner insisted he would get to kiss Nichelle Nichols and not Leonard Nimoy. Fics for this pairing are often just fluff and baby fic and while that's fine in small doses in mass its annoying. There are a few really good fics though.
Bruce Wayne aka Batman/Selina Kyle aka Catwoman- Ah it is true love, but also a tragedy. These two just can not seem to get their shit together long enough to really make it work. *Sigh* Also canon!
Joker/Harley Quinn- Canon! The most messed up relationship in any fandom really! Joker is abusive and Harley is obsessive, but sometimes they are almost cute, but you can't read any fic with these two without feeling really bad for Harley. They also are really funny together, I mean it is the Joker. Just don't expect happily ever after with these two and you'll be fine. Fics are half and half depending on how canon the keep the characters.
Last Exile:
Alex/Lavi- a completely unrealistic fic that I think is totally real for really stupid reasons! I have read maybe three fics for this pairing because no one writes them! All were not very good! Damn.
The smallest of the three. There are very few people writing femslash and even fewer writing ships that I like. Part of my problem with female pairings is the ones presented to me on TV or in books are very...lame. Either the characters are completely stereotypical, or the take straight characters and try to make them gay for ratings. Note, how the they never do this with guys. Hmmm...
Claire/Gretchen- at first I was turned off by this pairing because I thought they were trying to make a straight character gay for the sake of ratings. (They kind of were.) But upon further reflection this is actually a really good pairing. Claire is more let's say bi-curious then straight up gay making it more believable of a transition. Not many fic for this pairing I have seen, but I have read a couple of good ones. Canon!
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley aka Poison Ivy- It may not be canon, but it is heavily implied and Harley needs someone to go to when her Mistah J is being mean. There are a ton of fics for this, but I am really picky about my Batman fanfic so I haven't read a lot of it.