Title: The End
Pairing(s): Jaejoong/Kim Hyun Joong if you squint.
Length: One-Shot
Genre: Angst
Warning: Character death.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own them. And it sucks.
Summary: Jaejoong's had enough.
The End
There was a gentle breeze in the air, cooling Jaejoong’s reddened cheeks. Night had just set in, masking the city with a dark silhouette. Lights twinkled lightly in the distance. But that didn’t matter anymore. Jaejoong was standing on the top of a building. He was looking down.
Everything seemed to spin. It was a long way down from where he was standing; it sent shivers up his spine. He took a deep breath. With this jump, it was going to end. Everything was going to end.
He wondered to himself if he was making the right choice or not; but even if he said he wasn’t, he was still going to jump. The sadness in his life was a never-ending cycle, and he was sure that it just wouldn’t stop. His adoption. His family. The lawsuits. The accusations. The bouts with depression. He’s had enough, he decided.
Jaejoong jumped, allowing his body to free-fall down to the ground. He thought he heard before he jumped, someone yelled “JAEJOONG!” Thump. That was all.
Hyun Joong stood at the ledge of the building, panting, looking down at where Jaejoong had jumped. He could make out his lifeless form stuck to the ground. He put his hands on his knees and continued to pant; he was dizzy. A silent tear fell from his eye and landed on his clenched fist.
“Jaejoong. I couldn’t save you…”