
Apr 27, 2012 07:41

So yesterday was quite the eventful day. Had a school field trip to an aquarium and a science museum, yay! Came back home in time for dinner, studied a bit, and climbed into bed... only to get a phone call from Mou asking if I wanted to hang out with him and Souyou. 0.0;; I told them I was already in my jammies so maybe not, but they talked me into it. So I spent the rest of my evening chatting and drinking a bit and going out on a walk. The weather is warm enough that I can go on walks even after sundown with out having to bundle up so much. Nice!

I intended to take lots of pictures during the field trip, but I'd forgotten to charge my camera and it died halfway through the time at the aquarium. Opps! I did take lots of photos of underwater friends before my camera died though. Here's a few! I'll upload more later.

Mommy and her baby. They were quarantined from the others, but I wish they had a bigger space =(

Underwater "land"scapes are so beautiful!

Look at this little guy!

Some snails~!

I love the colors and shapes you find in sea creatures.

There were mud skippers! <3

Little fish


Another type of lobster. He was so pretty, but everyone just said he looked tasty =(

Look at those colors and patterns!

Tiny ray (*w*)!!!


Shark belly. I think they were black tips, but I don't know many shark species so I'm not sure... I need Dian (T^T)

See you next time!!
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