Rose: ________ is the term associated with an unusally high body temperature.
Jeanette: Fever?
Eugene: ::Looks in the book:: Yes, it's fever.
Aimee: Okay, now we're talking.
Rose: Local damage caused by extremely low temperatures is referred to as ______.
Aimee: Frostbite?
Eugene: ::Looks in the book:: Frostbite.
Aimee: Ah hah! :3 We can be doctors, now!
Grace and Emma - The Art of Insulting
Grace: Thank you, Mr. BUNK.
Emma: Poopie head.
Grace: You are a tree that cannot talk.
Emma: Poopball head.
Grace: He will be sent to the garbage can!
The other day was so strange. I was talking with my mother and we never had realized that almost everyone we knew was connected in some way or another. For example, Mrs. Shirley Jenzen, my adopted grandmother from Salem, is related to Ken and Nina Jenzen from my old High School. Ken and Nina Jenzen's father was Frank, my mother's best friend's boyfriend. Frank worked in construction before he died, and was friends at some point with my mother's other best friend's husband Mr. Belleau (who worked construction when he wasn't writing). Then I realized that most of the people at my church that I never realized were related were actually all related afterall. It's a soap opera, I tell you!
Jennie, you're dating your sister!
Lol, I remember you said that to me on the street one day: "Aimee, you're dating your sister!" and I was so worried that someone would overhear and think we weren't joking. I lost my light cerulean blue colored pencil today and it made me think of you. I miss youuuuu ;_; My pow telepathically says "Hi" to your pow; 'cause he doesn't have a head and all.
Can you still be telepathic if your head's in Lansing?