Jan 26, 2005 16:02
all this talk about abortion, it is so sad! i hate abortion, it is so sick and wrong! everyone is saying what they feel, and now i am going to say what i believe. abortion is wrong on so many levels. i wish that i could show everyone just how horrible this is. i dont even want to think about what goes on in the minds of those that believe that abortion is the womans choice, the people that believe that abortion is okay and harmless. when a child is torn to pieces inside the womb and pulled out in chuncks, how can a mother sanely do that to a child? when they suck out the brain so the skull will colapse, how can the abortionist just do that and not feel any pain? how can anyone not be compationate enough to see the destruction that is abortion, the murder. how can you say that it should be legal to have an abortion but not to murder. murder is so wrong, but how can you say that it is okay to kill an inocent life while it is still in the womb just because it is an inconvienance and that it is not okay to kill someone that has lived. to me getting an abortion is about the same as killing a neo-natal (new born) or anyone else for that fact. but how angry do you get when you watch the news and see that a parent (whether is be the mother of father) has killed one of their children, or if any adult killed a child, espceially as brutally as most abortions.if you heard that a helpless child had their limbs torn off, how would that make you feel? getting an abortion is the same thing as killing anyone else.