Dec 16, 2009 06:53

Let me just set this straight.

I do not dislike vampires. I do not abhor werewolves. I find romance as exciting as the next girl.

However, I do hate Twilight with a fiery passion that would have it condemned to the pits of hell.

There are many reasons for this, but I'll pick the biggest one and go with that. This factor that has turned me off of Twilight so bad isn't even in the books or the movies.

It is the fandom.

I mean, if I went around with "Team Ukitake" plastered across my back in large letters, people would be laughing at me for being that geek girl with the anime fetish. (Needless to say, it wouldnt be near as catchy.) Team Edward, Team Jacob--I'm so sick of hearing of the two I could puke. WHO F-ING CARES?? And while I'll be the first to admit that there's definitely a certain amount of bickering that goes on in anime fandoms, particularly over pairings and such, I've never known anime fans to pull any of these offenses before.

Which is why the following clip amuses me to no end :)

image Click to view


I think my eyes are now scarred for life.

(ETA-- I found this when I searched Twilight related injuries. LOLOLOLOL...)

funny, ranting, anime, twilight

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