Oct 19, 2009 07:57
BAM! NaNoWriMo came into my life, and I never looked back.
That was last year, when I finished my novel and 50500 words despite my bad grades in math and the dull grayness that pervades during November in New England.
So surely, this year, I can do the same!
I mean, this time around, I even have a plot *gasp* It can be summed up in the following sentence.
"Girl comes home from a long trip to find that she supposedly never existed."
Now, this has the possibility (probability) to turn out completely corny. But at least this year I've got horror and thriller as my main genres, unlike last years long, dragging Gothic fantasy/romance slash murder mystery that I STILL havent looked at for longer than ten minutes since. So yeah. Hopefully some action and such 'll keep me interested for longer. We shall see :D
Oh, and my Bleach season 3 box set is waiting for me at the post office *sighs contentedly* So I can spend a relaxing Monday afternoon on my couch once I'm done with school and work :D