been a long time...

Mar 18, 2009 19:43

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

Been sooo long since this was going around but MEH. I am in glee because hotmail and plurk are actually working for me now.

I had this done twice so here goes:

- plurk
- friendly? XD
- sailor moon
- amazing cupcake layouts
- DDRish games

~ PLURK. It is a new thing that I adore because it is fast and easy and so many people are on there to share and chip in and it is epic.
~ I GUESS I AM FRIENDLY? Maybe I'm just sugar high all the time. :0
~ xD Okay, so we were on plurk and somehow we ended up talking about Sailor Moon. I don't remember much, so I must have repressed it from my memories.
~ I found this awesome layout for my plurk, hurhur. ;D It had a pink cupcake on it, which is like memorial_sky 's lovely gay cherry cupcake. :D
~ :0 I think this is in relation to my post about Jubeat, but I also rock pretty hard at Guitar Hero/Rock Band, Taiko, DDR, etc. :3 RHYTHM GAMES ARE MY THANG.

And then another heeeeere:

QaF (of course!)
Brian/Justin (QaF is NOTHING without them!)
Post its (you know why ;p)
Prop 8 hate! (LOL. I still remember you telling me someone compared marriage to a toaster...)

- QaF, the best show ever. :D Because it is beautiful with lots of pretty gay guys and there are real-life issues, and pr0n and lots of wise cracks and sarcasm. :3 OH. and painting and ads. :Db
- THE favorite otp of QaF followers, and well, if it isn't yours, then it should be. >| Because they are lovely and Justin is so persistant and strong and artistic and good with people and knowing things, and Brian is a shit, but he cares, and he's a genius and they're both beautiful and perfect and *SIGHS HAPPILY* ♥
- :P OKAY SO REMEMBER THAT KNOCKKNOCK POST I HAD? Yes. Post-its. Also related to QaF, because the post-its are totally joke-y and witty and oh-so-something Brian Kinney would use in his office or at home to leave little messages to Justin or Ted or Cynthia and :DDDDD
- T&T. My lovely JE fandom pairing and I just randomly found them on YouTube and fell in love with their dorkiness and prettiness and their talent and their story (let's say, some people didn't want them to debut together, but their fans sent in hundreds of thousands of letters and they got to become a unit!) and AHHHHHHHH MY BOYS. :D I have shit loads of their stuff that I don't even look at or listen to now but my love is ETERNAAAAAAAAL.
-  Obviously, I support homosexuality and I go flying off into rants when someone says they hate gays, or use the word 'fag' which I find terribly offensive, and etc. etc. and I rant at people and stuff and I hate Prop 8. :' (

Oh, and because I commented on it, HERE YOU GUYS:

Post a comment, and I will...

1. Tell you why I friended you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a colour, a photo, a word etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
6. Tell you my favourite user pic of yours.
7. In return, you must should post this in your LJ!

..This is so my longest entry in a while. :0 And it's all just memes. That's all I do on this journal. No wonder it's so boring. 8-(
>: It's so sad, but omgomgomg it sounds so nice and WUORHWOHFOOWUHWUHEFHEJHAJKDHSJKHFJHASJSHHfgjhgas.

Listen to it
you fewls. >|

meme attack!

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