Now that I've had some time to think about it, I would argue that most good/professional writers spend far more time in the warm-up and kata phases you describe than any other. There is a time of mentoring, but it isn't a permanent thing. Most good writers will agree with the axiom that you have to write 1000 pages of garbage to get 1 page of gem (or, if you're a really brilliant writer, 100 pages of garbage). And those thousands of pages will never see the light of day; they become the warm-up and kata for a writer. The application phase is one where a work is submitted-- to a workshop group, a publisher, a magazine, a fansite, whatever.
Many writers, especially teens, tend to submit everything they write to a place like, regardless of quality. But the really good ones sift through most of their garbage before they submit it to the application phase.
I think you're right. Parallels can be drawn to any activity in life. As a writer/aspiring writer, it was certainly applicable to me. =)
Again, lovely post. I love your thought provoking posts.
I had many different arts in mind when writing this. "Writing" was indeed one of them :) Good writers, rather, good artists of any endeavor are made after much hard work, not born. Some may be born with a proclivity towards the art, thus giving them a headstart over others. But even they must hone their skills in order to become extraordinary.
At a certain point, I think teens submitting a lot of garbage is a good thing, especially if they take negative feedback well (granted, many don't, or are oblivious to it).
Thank you for your praise! I was hoping to focus on katas of faith today, but not sure if I have the time (been busy replying elsewhere :) and working ).
Many writers, especially teens, tend to submit everything they write to a place like, regardless of quality. But the really good ones sift through most of their garbage before they submit it to the application phase.
I think you're right. Parallels can be drawn to any activity in life. As a writer/aspiring writer, it was certainly applicable to me. =)
Again, lovely post. I love your thought provoking posts.
At a certain point, I think teens submitting a lot of garbage is a good thing, especially if they take negative feedback well (granted, many don't, or are oblivious to it).
Thank you for your praise! I was hoping to focus on katas of faith today, but not sure if I have the time (been busy replying elsewhere :) and working ).
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