Dec 11, 2008 12:42
I had a dream about Yuto.
In the dream, I was in the taxi with a chibi Yuto.
At first I did not realize that he was the chibi Yuto because I was so excited at meeting him for the first time face to face.
I was like, "Yuto?! Why are you in Singapore, in a taxi with me?!"
I don't rmb what he replied but I remembered that we clicked off right away.
And I realized he was the chibi Yuto.
I woke up.
End of dream.
Weird dream but it has Yuto in it so I dun mind. xD
Just now I was reading a translation of HSJ in Popolo and there was this question: Who appears to be attracted to physical looks only?
And the one with the most votes was YUTO! ><
Ah, guys......
nakajima yuto,