Sep 15, 2009 01:23
This is all I've ever known. The place where I have some of my best memories of being safe and loved. Is it normal that it's scary to think about leaving that safety? I've been taking care of my mom for a long time now, since she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I had to leave my job in order to be with her. I don't get government support to do this so I basically have no source of income. I don't have much saved up for my future, because, truth be told - I didn't really think I had one.
Now my boyfriend is planning on moving here after his next job (after this one that he's currently on) - which will probably take a while... but I don't know how long for sure.
Change terrifies me, like many other people. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons for the fear is because I don't have much saved up financially. And because of that, I tend to feel extremely incompetent.
UGH, why can't I just grow up already and act my freaking age.... but then maybe I am just incompetent...