Ohmiya Compilation Post Part 2 - Other/Random

Sep 12, 2011 20:11

Here we come to the third part of this second Ohmiya Compilation Post .___.
Geez, who would have thought it would end up like this? I actually had to part this post in the first place because there were too many VS Arashi/Ohmiya moments xD So hey, don't blame me, blame those two guys who can't stop being all over each other!! :D
But don't we love it? :D 
Seriously, these two are beyond married xD

Warning: Most of the GIFs used in these posts were made by me, but not all of them! Some of them have credits on them, others don't, so I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't use any them for your own purposes! Credits of those other GIFs goes to those who made them!

Furthermore: The Ohmyia Compilation Post Part 2 is again devided in different parts. Please use the following links to get to them:

Himitsu no Arashi-chan/ Arashi ni Shiyagare
VS Arashi Part I
VS Arashi Part II

Random/ Other

24. - 26.06.2011 Waku Waku Gakkou Event: 
We've all heard about it, we've all read the reports, we all loved what these awesome five people did to pieces! Reportedly, there were quite a few Ohmiya moments going on in the background but since we have no way of really seeing those, I'll stick with what we have :D Which, admittedly, is kind of a lot nevertheless xD

Nino being a brat! Who would have thought!!

Ohmiya on an impossibly tiny couch xD Like a married couple! And look at Nino's happy smile! (I actually have this picture in my planer because I soo love the harmony and the bliss on their faces *-*)

Also, this quote: "Somebody asked who Kazu likes the best in all of the members. He answered "I like everyone but Ohno-kun is special."." 
Can you feel the love? *___*   
And here a little excerpt from their conversations during the event:
"NINO: You're really giving her the phone?
OHNO: Yes.
NINO: Man. I get no present for 15 years, and you give some stranger a phone...
NINO: Moshi moshi~~
OHNO: Moshi moshiiiii."
(Credit goes to aatash)

Btw, for those who were wondering - this cute little banter was right after Ohno gave a girl from the audience a phone as a present <3

Thank-You speech Nino -> Ohno:

"To Ohno-san. Including Juniors days, we've known each other for 15 years; 12 years as Arashi members. All this time, you've never gone out with me, not even once. But the other day, finally, with Matsumoto-san, the three of us had a meal together. We talked about our future, our work, our present life. What's even more surprising, is that on the very next day, we went out again. Just the two of us - the first time in my life I ever had a meal with you. But we had nothing to talk about. I think this is because... we've already talked about everything. At work, while we move to our location sets... we talk about everything and anything. So there's nothing to talk about when we hang out outside of work. I think that makes you an important presence for me. It's hard to find someone you can talk to about anything. So... our next meal may only happen 12 years later... but let's eat out again, without talking. Okay, Sato-pi?"

Thank-You speech Ohno -> Nino:

Ohno: Eh….Ninomiya-kun.
Nino: Who’s that?
Ohno: You. Um, ever since our debut, you’ve displayed a lot of skinship towards me. And up until now, this hasn’t changed. You’ve touched my ass, held hands with me … Honestly, there was a period in which I didn’t like it. But nevertheless that, you continued. And you still do. But sometimes I think that if one day that skinship disappeared, I’d be pretty lonely. Especially lately, I keep thinking this. Thank you for the unceasing skinship so far and I trust you you’ll continue it in the future too~
Aiba: Ohno-san, you said we shouldn’t joke around but you’re the one who’s doing it the most! (laughs)
Ohno: I’m serious here.
Aiba: Seriously~?
Ohno: I seriously think all these things.
Aiba: So you’re saying you want the skinship~?
Jun: You’re saying thank you for touching my ass?
Ohno: If it suddenly stopped, I’d think “Ah, there’s so little today..”

Ohmiya behind the scenes :3 They just can't stop, can they? :D :D I love seeing Ohno laugh like that ...

The "Nino and Ohno finally went out together" incident:
So yeah ... it finally happened. It's kind of a dream come true, isn't it? xD Still can't believe it really happened, but it honestly, really, completely and truly did - how crazy is that? Well, part of it was already revealed up there in Nino's Waku Waku Thank-You speech to Ohno, but there's more to this, my friends, believe me! And please behold, it gets impossibly cute now xD

So the story goes as follows:
Once upon a time, Kame asked Ohno to draw a portrait of him. Ohno said yes and then - as expected - completely forgot about it. Cue 10 years later when Kame reminds him of said promise and Ohno decides that okay, now he's going to do it ... and so he does. Some time later Nino talks on his radio-show "BayStorm" about how Ohno was terribly upset not to have gotten an answer from Kame to his mails, and the story proceeds as follows: Kame explains that when Ohno tried to call him, he was just playing Baseball for the Marching J charity event (I'm guessing) and ignored the call.

"In that vein, Nino, he too changed his number. So I received numerous phone calls from an unknown number during that charity event. I thought, “Who the heck is this?! I don’t know him!” When I heard the voice mail, it went, “This is Ninomiya~. Kame~ Leader’s really angry!” And I went, “EH?!” Nino then said something along the lines of, “He [Ohno] hasn’t even drawn such a big picture for the other Arashi members, and he’s saying that he’s not gonna draw any more pictures for other people in Johnny’s!”
So I asked Nino, “Why did he do this?” Nino then said that it was because this had been a promise that was made ten years back, and [Ohno] felt that he couldn’t just pass me something that was the size of a postcard."

(How freaking adorable is it that Nino tells others Oh-chan is angry at them? How impossibly close must those two be that other’s aren’t even surpised by that? I can’t get over how incredibly cute it is that Nino calls Kame to tell him his Riida is angry at him >//////< Always looking out for his Satoshi, huh? But it really kind of fits their personalities, Ohno not really liking/being able to tell people how he really feels and Nino totally taking the job out his hands to spoil/protect/make him feel better ^0^)

Anyway, shortly after we got this delightful message via BayStorm: "The other day I had a first experience in my life. I had dinner with Leader twice in one week!"

Now we got to know from Nino's Thank-You speech to Ohno that these two went out to eat with MatsuJun (and later drinking at Nino's place? I remember reading that somewhere but couldn't find it anywhere) and when MatsuJun left, they were alone :D And the second time apparently was when Ohno was waiting for Kame to give him said portait mentioned above and made Nino wait with him :3 Gosh those two ...  ♥♥

BONUS Here is what Nino had to say about this incident in a recent interview in TV Pia [2011.07.23-2011.08.07]:
“Firstly I went drinking with Jun-kun and leader. After that the next day a frend contacted me and said,’I am going to eat, are you coming?’, I went and leader was there too. I went to eat dinner with leader for 2 consecutive days (laughs). That time, Kamenashi (Kazuya)-kun said that he wants a drawing, he said to Ohno-san, and he drew it. He wanted to give the drawing on that day, but Kamenashi-kun seems to have a lot of work that day, so I said,’Probably he can’t come today.’, then he said,’That’s not the case!’, and he just kept waiting……. Thus back then, I was called over to pass time with him (laughs). Therefore, we didn’t chat much. Leader and I, have always been like this (laughs).”

"Beautiful World" Concert Tour:
Again, not many Ohmiya incidents reported from this years tour but the pictures we DO have are impossibly cute! Let's just cross our fingers that during the second part of the tour they show their very apparent love a little more (and make a guest appearance as Taka and Yuuji xD)


Not exactly sure what Ohno is going here ... but whatever it is, Nino doesn't seem to mind much :D

Never to forget their awesome outfits in matching colors :)


Showing off Nino's not-so-round belly. And touching - duh!! 
I thought this was hilarious btw, because I can just imagine Johnny being like "Yeah, yeah, concert ... and if you could, it would be awesome if you could insert Nino's stomach-area somewhere, okay?" xDD
Also an awesome comment from anon: "Take this 200 fans who signed a petition for Nino to break up with Nozomi because of this!" xD


Ohno doing the weird breathing technique they learned on "Himitsu no Arashi-chan" and Nino
checking his belly before going "Mine looks better!" xD

Ohno helping Nino doen the stairs. Because, let's face it:
Those pants are hideous and obviously not easy to walk in!

I was actually hoping that there would be better quality-version popping out of
some of these tiny pictures ... but oh well, other than the ones I already posted above
I couldn't find any.


Their baloons got entwined. If that's not symbolic ...


So. freaking. adorable!! These two are going to be the end of me, seriously ...

Generally speaking, I hope that the second day of the concert (Sep. 4th) will be on the DVD because not only was Nino's solo apparently better that day but Ohmiya was also all over each other during that day :)
Most of the concert pictures from above are from that day btw :D
In my opinion, since they posponed the first day to Sunday, they must have probably thought the weather was going to be better that day, so I'm guessing they were filming the first day for TV footage (and incidently, they only showed first-day-footage during News reports) and the second day for a DVD. I'm really hoping they will release two DVDs again though, since Kokuritsu heard nothing of "Joy" or "negai" and we also didn't get to see Ohno's choreography for "negai" =3
Fingers crossed!!

picspam, *arashi:ohno satoshi, *arashi, *arashi:ninomiya kazunari, *arashi:ohmiya

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