May 03, 2011 00:40
I'm disappointed in you Canada. Especially Atlantic Canada. I thought we had more sense than this. How in the hell did we end up re electing Harper for the THIRD TIME! Why is everyone on twitter and facebook so upset about there. I don't see any conservatives rejoicing on any of my social media feeds. Why not? Or, is this election some how rigged like it is in the US?
Sorry, but I gotta put my tin foil hat on here. This really doesn't seem right. Where are all these conservative voters? Oh wait. Old peopple, and hicks who don't have the internet. They want a young turn out, they want us young people to vote and be proud, and all that bull shit. but this happens EVERY TIME. I did vote byt he way, and all my friends and the majority of my classmates did.
In other news, 4 days until I take off in a jet plane. Destination: Tokyo.
Is this real life?
(I say this for both things) ha.
I got my travel insurance card today, I got a nice passport case from granny ;) almost all set
I work tomorrow night, then I have the rest of the week off. going to check out the book fair on thursday, see whats up there. Maybe find some good graphic design and art books for a good price.
Still dreamweaver for this week. I could rant and rave about Guy, but seriously, this election shit has me going right now so I will wait for another time.
I'm scraping by with web design and it shouldn't be this way, because I mostly understand, but this teacher confuses the hell out of us all. Yeah, its not jsut me, its everyone! He is not clear with what he wants, and when we don;'t do it, he gets mad at us, and says it's our fault because we make no effort to learn.
But how can I do so well in my graphic design class, with my main teacher, who knows me, and knows I would never purposely not do my work and yet not be able to understand and keep up with the web design teacher?
Anyway, i'll leave that rant for another day.
Screw you Canada, Im going to bed.
federal election,