Jan 20, 2011 21:57
Ok. Originally the plan was to go in the fall, but if I get a job after graduating I may not be able to get the time off. I want to keep positive, but the chances are slim that I will have a job that fast, but just in case. Also, I don't want to spend the money that I get while waiting for the fall.
So, I was thinking maybe march break. Most students are leaving a couple of days before the actual break for their new york trip, and a lot of the time's we are just goofing around the week before march break. So no problems getting it off there. Work shouldn't be a problem because I told them I might need march break off and I only work a cople of times a week, so I should be fine there.
Now, I was thinking of using my bursary and tax return to go to Japan. But, I forgot that I only get the burary two months before I finish my program, which is longer than a last year. IF, I get my bursary. Last year I didn't, but last year included the time I worked for UPS. This year I am not making as much money.
IF I get it, I will get 3,000...but I owe 1,000 to the school. So that is 2,000...BUT, It would probably only be some time in April when I get it.
Next is income tax. Last year I got 3,000. They said we get so much for each month we are in school, but I also wonder if by working at UPS It made me have more?
I think I have some carry over of 700? This was only for 4 months of school, this time I have 8 months of school. The end of last school year, and the beginning of this school year.
So, I was all excited that we might be able to go for the cherry blossoms, but now I'm kinda worried. Anyone have an idea as fo what I should expect for the tax return thing?
Also, if I find out I am getting the bursary, I wonder if there is someone out there who would lend me some money (not the whole thing, whoaaa....) and then I could pay them back when I get the bursary. But that is a lot to ask, so I don;t think that would happen. Guh.
I can save some money, but it will not be enough after rent/bills/food. So I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I may have to go away in the fall afterall, or maybe April? I'm sure I'll be able to go away for a little bit as someone in the class went to cuba, and another went to montreal a week before our chrismas break.
I guess its a wait and see thing, but I don't want to cut it too close when it comes to booking's etc.
I wish I had a credit card in a situation like this, where I know I will be getting some money, but do not have it right at this moment.
I wonder how I could make some extra money? I'm already blogging for someone, and every 10 posts gets 20.00 to paypal (or gift card) I wonder if anyone would buy my art? Poooo!
I wonder if anyone is willing to buy some random stuff I find aorund my apartment. lol? Why does being a student mean being so poooor.
Anyway, if anyone has some ideas? If I can get 3,000 at the very least I can have a decent trip. That is what I hope to get again from my tax return. Is it a safe bet to expect the same that I got last year?
I wish I could get my t3 and t4 now and get it all overwith.
march break,