Ok this is part of a longer dream where a gay man was the hero and I worked in his office. We were a group of people working together foe something.....
He wasn't flamey. Also this was like a movie but the sequel and his love intrest comes back and yeah.
So, I'm outside with sho and aiba and sho is eating a hamburger. I run up to him and start pestering him fir a bite.
Can I have a bite can I have a bite?
He says no but finally gives in. The catch? He lifts te top bun that has the cheese melted to it up because he wants it all for himself.
I try to take a bite but lose my balance and fall on my back, the hamburger lands on my face. Everyone laughs but Sho who iaa very upset he lost his burger.
Meanwhile aiba is injecting something into his guns via a syringe. O.o
I also dreamed that I was in NYC and took my mom (of all people) to kinokuniya but they were just closing fir the day.
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