Aug 18, 2009 10:10
Sorry that all I have been rambling on about it trying to get into college. It was something I was thinking about since around the beginning of summer, but was really only intending to apply for next year, or maybe even the winter.
When I went in for the tour, the director was really kind...very friendly man, I felt comfortable being there. When he asked if I wanted to apply, well, I naturally said yes. He said i would be cutting it close, but accepted my 25.00 registration fee. I said something, and he mis understood that I said next week (which is now this week) and he said that would be ok.
He told me that judging on how I behaved during the tour, that I would do very well at his college.
Now, I dont think he would say that unless he really meant it? right? I really really hope that he didn't say that just to be nice. I mean. I know that I can paint and draw, I dont want to sound conceided, but I know I have that talent. I want to build it and make it better. But I'm soooo freaking worried that I'm being made to think I have time to apply, when I really don't?
class starts in three weeks. I had help filling out my loan, but I can only submit it after I' ve been accepted.
Now my friend at Uni said her loan came through three weeks late last year, and so I am hoping that even if its late, I can still go.
Another worry is that I won't be accepted for a loan, but someoen else told me that it probably wont happen because its a studen loan, and they can't see how I wouldn't be.
So those are some of the things stressing me.
Also the fact that the director has not emailed me back since my email last tuesday, granted the school was technically closed until this week, but there has been no email yesterday or today. I finally emaile dhim again thism orning, telling him I am almost done getting everythign together and when is a good time for me to drop by
I need my mom to print out a copy of my profile letter ( my printer has no ink) and I need a second reference. I';ve been trying to get in touch with my mom to see if someone at her office will do it, but no response yet.
I tried Andrew's aunt, but when I asked she seemed a bit freaked out, so I didn't ask again. I tried a former supervisor and I am just waiting for her reply.
I DID get the reference letter from my art teacher, which I think is more than enough to get into art She says a lot of nice things, and I am soooo happy she agreed to write it!
I also got my transcripts faxed to the school. But they said I had to pay either 2 or 10 I couldn;t really hear her. She didn;t mention if she will send it now, and I just go in this week to pay, or if she will not send util I go into pay. But I have to work, so I dont really have the time to go into my HS right away this week!!
So yeah. I dotn know what to do. I'm losing my confidence every day. Having to go to work, and sit there listeing to people coimplain about not having their packages is really getting to me because I DONT KNOW what is going on elsewhere...
Should I bother doing this? I mean, I want to...but for this year? I had confidence, but now Its slowing going down the drain.
I know I must sound like I worry too much. Normally I dont, but I think thats because I am lazy and try not to give myself things to worry about. I dont enjoy stepping out like this, but I have to do it..its just frustrating.
Anyway. I need to eat something before I get ready for work.
I hope I get some kind of email soon.
I got my email. Feeling much better. Confidence boost!! confidence at good level for today! yay!