[Drabble]: Fallen Idol

Sep 13, 2010 21:57

Title: Fallen Idol

Summary: Chibi-usa is beginning to see the Usagi in her Mama.

Pairing(s): None. Implied Chibi-usa/Helios.

Disclaimer: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is the property of Takeuchi Naoko-sensei and respective publishers.

Notes: While I've watched bits of the anime, I'm mainly going by the manga, which is the version of the series I'm more familiar with.

'Yamato Nadeshiko' is a term for a sort of ideal, traditional Japanese woman. While Usagi is never going to be entirely that, she does begin to resemble it a bit as she grows up in the manga. ...A bit. Mainly when she's Sailor Moon or Neo Queen Serenity.

Fallen Idol


Mama has always been her idol.

An idol should be pure and unreachable, right? It's not an idol if you can touch it and see the weak spots. That's why she's always found Sailor Moon to be more of a role model than Mama, because Sailor Moon was a crybaby and a screw-up who couldn't do anything right, but still could bring out her strength when she had to protect others. Sailor Moon's someone Small Lady can be.

Not like Mama. Mama is perfect and shining and Serenity loves her but she's even named after her and that's a lot of pressure to put on a little girl… She wants to grow up and be as beautiful and wise as Mama, and she's always been afraid that she's not really strong, that she can't really do it.

Sailor Moon gives her hope; Sailor Moon isn't perfect and maybe even Small Lady- Chibi-usa- can be her. Or Chibi Moon. It's a step up, all right!

She's still all giddy that Helios really wanted her, thought her dream was pure enough to call out to him! She was so sure that he'd just wanted Sailor Moon, since Sailor Moon was a younger Mama, but he hadn't wanted Sailor Moon, Usagi, or Mama; he'd wanted her! She's a maiden with a shining, pure dream! Maybe she really can be like Mama one day. She's only nine hundred and three, she's got lots of time left.

And now she's home in Crystal Toukyou and she's starting to realize how weird it was to divide between all her different Mamas. Usagi is Sailor Moon is Neo Queen Serenity is Mama. Even Mama can be a crybaby, though nowadays she seems to like 'passive aggressive' raging in private to a good old cry. Chibi-usa needs to ask Mercury what that means. Venus laughs and says that Mama's become a Yamato Nadeshiko.

That's when it gets weird to think about Usagi being Mama again.

Chibi-usa tests it one day, running up to Papa and calling him 'Mamo-chan', and for a second Mama looks all huffy just like she did back when she was 'Usagi'. Chibi-usa sticks her tongue out at her, Mama retaliates, and Papa looks fondly exasperated.

And suddenly, she doesn't miss the twentieth century quite so much.

drabble, genre: gen, fandom: sailor moon

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