Title: The Wind of Madness
Genre: Action, High School Yankees AU
Pairing: shameless NinoAi as usual
Summary: Being part of the strongest yankee fight club, Arashi, binds the members like brothers. But there is a deeper bond that exists between the newly recruited King, Aiba, and the vice president, Kaze.
A/N: This story can stand alone but it will be better if you read
"Yankee Academy" as well.
01 ||
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06 || 07
I tried my best not to look like I was watching. I looked at Leader and Kaze, they were so awfully close. I felt a weird beating in my chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. Very fast and very painful.
It was the same feeling when I met Ninomiya-san years ago. But it was more awful. When I was with him, my heart was beating fast but it was a good feeling, like when you were running so fast and you get to the finish line just in time.
But this time, it was worse. It was a loud thumping that echoed with the voices in my head. “Kill… kill… kill…”
“Ahhh…” I said aloud to block the voices. Kaze looked at me. There was a sign of worry on his face but not as intense as the look he gave when Leader suddenly staggers and sits on his chair to hold his head. Maybe Leader was beaten up badly. He needed a hospital, not Kaze-san.
But I do need Kaze-san. I feel like I would go crazy if he disappears in my life once again.
“He’s in the way…”
I looked up slowly and looked at Leader who was busily drawing. There were only the two of us in the room as Kaze had left to do some errands.
“Hmm…” he acknowledged my call.
“Will you play with me?” I asked him nonchalantly. I knew that I caught his attention as the scratching of pencil on paper stopped. He looked up. There was no sign of fear or anything in his eyes as he looked at me, just a plain look. It was as if he was wondering what had gotten in my head.
“Is there a reason why you will be fighting with me?” he asked, emphasizing on the word. I do remember him and Kaze telling me that there should be a reason to fight. That was why Arashi don’t fight against small fries unless provoked. I remembered my pinky promise with Kaze about not fighting Leader as well. But I did not care anymore.
“He’s in the way…” the voices in my head whispered.
My hands that were resting on the silvery cloth of Kaze’s chair grasped on them. There was a glint in his eyes and he smirked. He probably knew the answer all along. I was beginning to think that Leader knew everything by just one look. I thought only Pi could do that magic but Leader could also do that.
“I don’t know… I just want to…” I lied.
He smiled wider. “Hmm… maybe I still have to teach you a lesson or two about fighting with a reason.” He stood up and opened the door at the side of the room. We referred to that room as the sacred fight room. He made me enter first and then he went inside after me, closing the door behind him as quietly as possible.
The room was bathed in yellow light coming from the sun. The logo of the fight club was on the floor and hanging on the far side was a flag of Yano High.
“Let me make this clear, Aiba-chan,” he started as he flexed his fingers. We were circling around each other. I was looking at him with a primal desire to destroy him. “If I win, you will tell me everything.”
“Ne, Leader-chan, are you mad?” I asked him with a laugh. He did not seem to be intimidated at all but it was okay. I would be ending this. Kaze will be mine.
I ran towards him but before I could grab him, he was able to do a graceful back flip that eventually became a kick that hit my face. I looked up at him and his serene or goofy face was blank. It was as if he was a different person.
He did not even give me an opportunity to hurt him. I just felt as if he was attacking me at the same time. All my movements were stopped before I could even lay a finger on him. He stood before me like an unbeatable monster as I lay on the ground, gasping for breath and squirming in pain.
Suddenly, I saw him clutch his forehead in pain. He lost his balance. It was my chance. I stood up and grabbed his head to smash to the nearby table. However, before I could throw him, a strong backhanded slap came to my face, making me fall down.
I looked up, touching my cheek and saw Kaze. His face was beyond anger. It was the first time I saw him with that expression.
“Never fight Leader ever again!” he yelled, his fist flying to my face. I closed my eyes, ready for his punishment. It did not come. I opened my eyes and saw his fist just a few centimeters from my nose. I looked at him and I saw his eyes glistening, as if tears were threatening to fall down.
“Kaze, Kaze, it’s okay,” I heard Leader whisper while he rubbed my friend’s back. Kaze kneeled in front of me and hugged me. Tight. I heard him trying to choke back a sob.
“Never fight Leader ever again. Never,” he said. “Do you understand that, Aiba-chan?” he confirmed, looking at my eyes as he held my shoulders tight. “You promised me right, Aiba-chan? Didn’t you remember?”
At that moment, I understood. Kaze did not stop me because he wanted Leader to be safe. He stopped me because he wanted to keep me safe from Leader.
We both heard the door close. Leader had left us in the sacred room. I looked at Kaze, my lip quivering. “Kaze-san, I am so sorry. I’m sorry I broke my promise. Aiba-chan is bad.”
He shook his head and I saw tears falling down on his face. “Why did you do that?” he asked me.
“I… I…” I just started wailing noisily, letting Kaze rub my back to comfort me. “I don’t want Leader to take Kaze-san away from me!” I continued crying. It was really an ugly cry but I could not help myself. “Aiba-chan wants to be with Kaze-san always… forever…!”
I was silenced by Kaze’s soft lips. He kissed me in the same way a butterfly lands on your skin and flies away as fast. “I promise I will be with you always…” he said in almost a whisper. “I promise.”