go club, get drunk, you stupid shit :D

Aug 04, 2008 18:29

haha i really didn't know what to put as a title.

i drew it yesterday night (or the night before yesterday?) cause i couldn't sleep.

i named 'em Shoon & Kouta because.. well.. i really didn't know how to call 'em XD
and the best friend's lyrics.. i just had the words in my head so i wrote them down =]
they give me sort of a '80s aura' XD ..i think it's the outfit o__o
i know it's not the best quality but hey, my scan it's not that awesome -_-'' (but i love it anyway♡)
usually i sign my drawings as 'Kuchibiru' (on Livejournal i'm Kohori, in old communities and Photobucket i'm Domokun666 and for all the rest i'm just Prot0plasm or Jamie) even though they are not that great XD

drawings, myself

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