I've decided to make a fic rec post first because I wanted to save my favorite fics somewhere so I can read them everytime I want. Since they're my favorite, I'd suggest people to read them, so I think it would be easy gathering all of them under one post.
Their relationship is such a mess. Finn is Kurt's first crush, his unrequieted love, his stepbrother, he's the main reason Kurt can't be with other boys, because Finn thinks they might catch the gay, that everyone can make fun of whoever dared to speak to Kurt and stuff.
But I like to think there's more then it meets the eye.
Under The KiltAuthor:
woodsgal Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1529
Spoilers/Warnings: No spoilers but warnings for public sex.
Summary: Kurt is sitting on Finn's lap in public, and secretly Kurt's riding Finn's cock while everyone's there.
J/N: while I'm not usually a big fan of kilts, this fic made my day. I definitely recommend this for the hotness that it is. I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of sex in public.
Now I'm Getting Touched All The TimeAuthor:
audaciously Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,777
Spoilers: None, really.
Warnings: Sex. No, really, this is all sex. No plot whatsoever.
Summary: Four times Finn and Kurt have semi-public sex. Established relationship. PWP.
J/N: again with sex in public. Hot, hot, hot like you couldn't believe.
Against the Wind Author:
recrudescence Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,803
Summary: There are a lot of things that suck about Lima, but one thing it gets right is fall.
Notes: Inspired by this prompt from the
glee_kink_meme , which called for leaf-raking and frottage.
J/N: Autumn leaves, Finn and Kurt wrestling, frottage... what's not to love?
Just Let Your Body Go.
adeina_rhyddha Warnings: Dark!Finn, porn, a lot of swearing, repeated use of the f-word, abuse ( it's not, like, overly graphic, but I need to warn for it regardless ).
Spoiler(s): None.
Word count: 660.
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: Finn and Kurt have a love/hate relationship, and Finn does not want Kurt wanting anyone else.
J/N: oh dear, oh dear. Sometimes Finn + Kurt + heavy angst is really the only way it should be *sighs*. Beautiful.
Right Down The Line It's Been You & MeAuthor:
shia_labeouf Rating: R
Word Count: 4,931
Warnings/Spoilers: Direct references to "Theatricality" and "Journey".
Summary: Futurefic. A brief history of the nine years leading up to Finn's bachelor party.
J/N: few words to explain this fic: beautiful and touching.
I've always loved the thought of them in bad yet dirty terms, even before I found out what Glee was about. I don't like them as a couple, they can't obviously be a lovey-dovey couple. But they can definitely be an interesting and angsty couple. Since Sam's there, I wonder if authors will ever consider Puck/Kurt an alternative. :D
Badassness and the Sincerity of Baked GoodsAuthor:
fabfemmeboy Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: 2x03 is the big one, with some references to 1x09 and 2x04.
Summary: "He was trying to do something good. It wasn't his fault he always ended up screwing the emotional, vulnerable, and lonely."
J/N: I first read this fic when I was at school, during French and Spanish literature. I was bored, I wasn't paying attention anyway and I decided to check out some of the fics I've sent to my email the night before. I always do that when I know I have to get through boring train trips and stuff. Needless to say I've fallen in love with the story and I had to hide my constant and obscene grin A LOT of times while reading.
Move Over, Hummel Author:
superninjagurl Rating: NC-17
Warning: Sexual content. Not suitable for little Gleeks.
Spoilers: None, but you should see season 1 first.
Summary: "I wasn't wiggling anything against your... Puckzilla." - Kurt's basement is perfect for a Glee Club Sleepover.
Word Count: 2043
J/N: Do you like frot/quickie/angst/virginboys? Then this fic will fulfill your desires.
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