Title: Lost and Found [Drabble]
Pairing: HaeHyuk // EunHae
Rating: G
Genre: Don't really know x,.x
Disclaimer: Only the idea is mine, I don't own the boys
I look at the picture in my hand. I notice the smiles on our faces and how we cling our arms around our waists, It was one of our good days, one of our first days.
I take the picture aside and grab another one. Again we both, this time really close to each other. I think it was taken after I realized that I fell in love with you. I frown when I take a closer look on you. You seemed like you already know about my feelings, your smile says something like this.
I throw the picture into the box to the rest of them and close it with a sigh. This is past. We don't belong to each other anymore.
You said that it won't work like this.
You said that we only hurt each other because we want too much.
Because you lost me on your way.
I don't know what exactly was on your mind, but you smiled weakly and said good bye. And I don't fight against this. Even when everything screamed insode me, I just watched you while the distance between us became bigger.
Because you told me, that your heart always belongs to me and that you will find me when you lose me.
That's what I keep in my mind and that's what I'm waiting for.
I stare out of the window, wonder if I should start and count the stars which appear slowly to the night when it knocked on my door. Confused I go to it and open it up, just to find you stnading in front of me, you pant and I guess that you ran to my place.
As soon as your eyes meet mine a smile appear on your lips.
"Sorry for taking so long, Hae. I finally find you again."
This is just to get my mind free again. Meral said I should write something.. and she didn't care about broken or angst.. Don't know what this is.. Just something random I think.. nonsense..