Why yes, I decided to go see it because it's by Christopher Nolan, the plot looked intriguing, but first and foremost because it stars the mind-meltingly-gorgeousness-oh-gourd-why-did-you-create-a-man-who-is-this-pretty-but-will-never-be-mine that is Cillian Murphy.
In the warehouse where Fischer (Cillian Murphy) was being kept and he was talking to his uncle... Actually, that wasn't really his *uncle* with him. But the who, I wonder?
The scene really went like this:
Fischer: "My father and I never had any meaningful experiences together."
Kohii: "Okaaaay... So can you and I have "meaningful experiences" together instead?" *wink* *wink*
Fischer: (0__o) - !
Kohii: (^_^) - ♥♥♥
*cough* whyyesiamobsessed *cough*
Pull yourself together, Kohii! It's August again and time to get buried up to your neck in reports.