Dec 18, 2003 16:37
^^ It's Christmas holidays down here in this cold cold land and I'm rocking my bored ass in my chair.
As you can see I'm still fighting with my LJ it's not to good. I was planning to use some codes and stuff but LJ didn't like that plan TT
I'll see. But I've got no real purpose for this site except:
*My art ^^ But I haven't got a scanner TT
*My story's! But they are in a real way of getting out so you'll have to wait.
*Kuro Neko! You'll learn about that sometime! It will be probably the FIRST MANGASHOP IN THE NETHERLANDS XD Yes our country sucks >< That's why we're going to change it! *insert maniacal laughter*
And that's about it. Because my life is probably not really like: OW WOW SHE WENT TO SCHOOL story, I'm going to skip that part.
And now I shall wave and say goodbye
Ja ne!