
Nov 25, 2007 21:36

I just recieved an early Christmas present that I could have lived without.

After several years thinking that I was among the fortunate ones who never had to worry about my wisdom teeth becuase I didn't have any tonight I was proven wrong.
The rear of my lower gums has been tender for a couple of weeks but I always put it down to me constantly getting peanuts or seeds from buns getting stuck back there. However when attempting to remove what I thought was a particularly stubborn seaseme seed (I had garlic bread tonight) I realised that what I was feeling wasn't stuck to my gum, it was sticking through my gum. A quick check proved that it was matched by one on the other side.

Fortunately there's a lot of room back there for them to come in and a quick check with Mum and Dad reveals no family history of trouble with their Wisdom Teeth. So fingers crossed becuase I really can't afford the dental bills.
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