Title: Four Times Tsubasa Attempts To Teach Takki How To Cook & One Time Takki 'Cooks'
koheePairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Summary: The cooking adventures and perils of Takki and Tsubasa.
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: G to PG-13
Author's note: Plot? What is that? Such a thing does not exist here, you have been warned. :D
Four Times Tsubasa Attempts To Teach Takki How To Cook & One Time Takki 'Cooks' )
4 times they think it's over & 1 time they realize they'll last forever.
3 times Takki makes Tsubasa cry & 4 times he makes it all better.
3 times Tsubasa asks for truth & 2 times Takki lies.
4 times Takki tries to leave & 1 time he succeeds realizes it's useless to try.
4 times they nearly get caught & 1 or more lol time they don't even care.
5 times they decide to tell their families & 1 time they actually do.
4 times Tsubasa goes spying on Takki & 1 time he gets caught.
5 times Takki watches Tsubasa & 1 time Tsubasa dances only for him.
1 time Tsubasa gets scared of a cat & 4 times Takki uses it against him.
3 times Takki tries to kiss him & 1 time Tsubasa realizes whats going on.
1 time Tsubasa threatens to leave & 4 waystimes he makes up for it.
1 time Tsubasa asks for it & 4 times he just gives takki that look.
Or something.. lol. Didn't mean to come up with so many, they're pretty useless too >>; And I totally wanted to make those numbers bigger so that we'd get more to read in case you decide to use some XDD Feel free to make changes too if you use them :0
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