Title: Three times Yamapi and Maki did not manage to spend Christmas alone together, and one time they did.
koheePairing: Yamashita Tomohisa x Horikita Maki
Summary: As the title says. Four short ficlets with four different scenarios.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Author's note: I know this is late! But I wrote Yamaki last Christmas and I thought maybe I'll like to keep 'tradition' (and maybe might motivate myself to do it again next year). Unfortunately, I'm fresh out of ideas and came up with this lame-ish attempt which is NOT very Christmas-sy at all, but rather just excuses for me to pointlessly fluff them (since my last attempt angst-ed them like whoa). Err...enjoy?
one: interrupted by the oblivious best friend
Maki arranged the red dinner napkins in the shape of a fan, and took a step back, admiring her handiwork. Sufficient to say, she was rather proud of herself, as Yamapi's dining room looked lovely, all red, green and white, and sparkling with lights from the Christmas tree.
Yamapi came up behind her and dropped a kiss on her shoulder, arms going around her waist.
“Impressive.” He remarked, and she laughed lightly, turning around and brushing his lips with a kiss.
“Merry Christmas.” She said, and just as he moved to kiss her again, the doorbell rang. Loudly, and almost impatiently, and that was followed by knocking.
“PI! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! OPEN UP! I HAVE BOOZE!!” Jin's enthusiastic yelling vibrated through the doors and the walls of every apartment in the building.
Yamapi's head dropped, and he groaned as Maki sighed inaudibly. Reluctantly, he trudged to the door and opened it, but even before he could make some excuse to hopefully make Jin go away, his best friend barged through, lugging about five bags of alcohol, followed by a sheepish Kame.
“I tried to stop him, I know you have plans with Maki tonight.” Kame whispered. “But you know Jin can be when he gets into the hurricane mode.”
Yamapi did know, unfortunately, and reason was not one of Jin's strongest points, and neither was tact, so it was not surprising when Jin chose to stay anyway even after seeing Maki, all dressed up, and the dining room setting for two, because he had the booze and he wanted to be with his best friends during Christmas, and therefore, he decided he didn't mind Maki.
“Well...we could take this as a Shuiji to Akira to Nobuta Christmas,” Yamapi said, deliberately omitting Jin from the equation, as Maki set out another two dinner places at the table.
Jin glared at him. “Don't be such a girl, Pi.”
Kame snorted with laughter as Maki giggled.
Although Jin spilled wine over Kame and nearly set his hair on fire when he came too close to the candles when trying to steal food off Yamapi's plate, the four of them did manage to have a wonderful Christmas dinner, filled with joy and laughter.
two: interfered by work
Maki's phone rang just as she was about to climb into bed with a good book, and there could only be one person calling at almost eleven o'clock at night.
“Merry Christmas.” Yamapi said, and she thought he sounded tired, and her forehead creased a little.
“Merry Christmas to you, too. Are you done with filming?”
“Ahh, no. Just one short scene left, where I have to talk for three minutes about a complicated diagnosis, and two-point-five minutes of that speech consisted of medical jargon that I don't even remotely understand.”
She laughed, cradling her phone to her ear, and she sort of missed him a lot at that moment.
“Maki. I'm sorry I had to cancel our Christmas plans.”
“It's okay. You had to work, I understand that. After all, I canceled on you last week because I had to work.” She pointed out.
“Yeah, but it wasn't Christmas and we didn't have special plans.”
“Tomo...with our line of work, it's always going to be somewhat like that, and you know it.”
He sighed. “Doesn't mean I have to like it. I really want to be with you this Christmas.”
She settled back against her pillows, her eyes crinkling in a smile. “Well, we can always plan for New Year's.”
“I miss you.”
“I know.”
It was thirty minutes past midnight and she was half-asleep, when her doorbell rang. Stumbling to the door, yawning slightly, she pulled it open to reveal Yamapi, shivering slightly and with snowflakes in his hair, and smiling impishly at her, and she felt her heart skipping a several beats.
“I'm about thirty minutes too late, but can we still make it count?”
Maki grabbed his scarf, dragged him indoors, and kissed him squarely on the mouth.
three: embarrassed by family (more specifically, little sister)
“This really isn't my idea,” Yamapi grumbled as he drove, and Maki smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
“Stop complaining, Tomo, it's nice of your mother to invite me for dinner.”
“Well, it's not my ideal Christmas plan.”
“What is your ideal Christmas plan?” She asked curiously.
“You, me, a hot tub, and no clothes.” He answered, smirking, and she poked him hard in the ribs.
“So generically male, and so perverted.”
Laughing, he covered her hand with his. “You wouldn't have me any other way.”
That much was true.
“...and Mum clicked on that folder that said 'Forms for Meiji' because she thought she can pull an empty application form for me...and all these pictures of naked girls popped up!” Rina sniggered. Yamapi choked on his drink as Maki glanced at him, an eyebrow raised.
“I was eighteen years old!! It was, and still is, normal.” Yamapi said defensively, shooting his sister a death glare.
Rina chose to ignore him. “Did you know about the time when our ten-year-old cousin found porn in his sock drawer?”
“RINA!!” Yamapi screeched as Maki giggled.
Rina looked at her older brother disdainfully. “Do you know that you sound really gay when you screamed like that?”
Yamapi groaned, dropping his head into his hands, for this really wasn't his idea of a perfect Christmas with Maki, at all.
Maki wound an arm around his waist, pecking him on the cheek. “Don't worry. I still like you, with your generically male porn tendencies and all.”
He supposed he should be thankful for that, but still, he vowed to keep his family (or more specifically, his sister) away from his girlfriend next Christmas, for this embarrassment was enough to last for the next five decades.
four: being together
It was Christmas morning when Maki woke up, and she observed the snow falling softly outside her window, loving the white tranquility the season brought. Beside her, Yamapi stirred, murmured something incoherent, and slung an arm over her.
Turning to face him, she shuffled closer, and kissed him lightly on the eyelids.
“Wake up. It's Christmas.”
He opened his eyes, and smiled sleepily. “Merry Christmas. I have great plans for us today.”
“Really? What are they?”
He pulled her closer to him, arm encircling her shoulders and tucking her head underneath his chin. “Spending all day in bed.”
She smacked his chest playfully. “Well, that great plan must have took a lot of intricate planning.”
“Of course.” He replied. “I had to plan on how to keep you in bed, and that is not going to be very easy. Takes a lot of skill...some special moves...”
His fingers drifted down from her shoulder, skimming across her back, and resting on her hip, and as he began to draw lazy and feather light circles on her bare skin, Maki found that it was getting just a little harder to breathe.
“Might be easier than you think.” She smirked, stretching up to kiss him, and he smiled against her lips.
And it was a wonderfully beautiful Christmas Day, by just being together, all alone.
- end -
Merry belated Christmas to all! Hope all of you had a great time during the Boxing Day sales. I am stuck in a country where Boxing Day sales are NOT of our culture. Sob sob sob.
Happy Holidays! ^~